Page 21 - Career Development Guidebook (09.03.24)
P. 21

          CECS                                  COMPUTER SCIENCE

          USEFUL RESOURCES                                     INTERNSHIPS

          Stanford  Engineering  Everywhere  (SEE):  SEE       Got It AI: Gain practical, real-world experience in
          provides free online engineering courses.            the  field  of  AI,  working  on  innovative  chatbots
                                                               and language models.
          GitHub: Open source code examples as it is the
          place where the world builds software.               VinBrain:  Provides  hands-on  experience  in
                                                               cutting-edge  AI  and  machine  learning,  with  a
          Stack Overflow: A collaborative platform where
          developers ask/answer programming questions.         focus on revolutionizing healthcare.
                                                               VinAI:  Provides  hands-on  experience  in  cutting-
          GeeksforGeeks:  A  platform  with  tutorials  and
          coding  challenges,  specializing  in  computer      edge AI research and AI-powered products.
          science topics.                                      VinBigData: Provides pioneering research in Data
                                                               Science,  focusing  on  Biomedical  Informatics,
          American  Association  for  Artificial  Intelligence:
          A  scientific  society  devoted  to  advancing  the  Medical Image Processing, Computer Vision, and
          scientific  understanding  of  the  mechanisms       Natural Language Processing.
          underlying thought and intelligent behavior and      One  Mount  Fresh  Geeks  Program:  A  “talent
          their embodiment in machines.                        incubator"  program  exclusively  for  students
                                                               majoring in Technology/Data.
          Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics:
          A group of professionals formed SIAM to advance      Samsung  Electronics:  Samsung  provides  hands-
          the application of mathematics to science as well    on  experience  in  the  delivery  of  IOT  and
          as industry.                                         intelligent projects from initial concept to design,
                                                               development, and application software.
              JunctionX Hanoi Hackathon                        CERTIFICATES
              Data Science Talent Competition                      DataCamp Courses and Certificates
              Datathon Day                                         Google Data Analytics Professional
              ASEAN Data Science Explorers                         Certificate
              AI Challenge                                         IBM Data Analyst Professional Certificate
                                                                   Microsoft Certified: Power BI Data Analyst

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