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                                                         CHAN MIN
          MENTORSHIP PROGRAMME                           CHOI

                                                         HEAD OF FINANCE & ACCOUNTING DEPT
                                                         WOORI BANK
                                                         YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: > 10 YEARS

                 INTRODUCTION                                               EDUCATION

     Mr.  Choi  Chan  Min  first  joined  Woori  Bank  in  2008  at  the
     time he was in charge of relation managing of the financial         Seoul National University,
     needs of corporate customers in Korea. After 13 years, he is        Korea
     now  the  Head  of  the  Financial  and  Accounting  Division  in    2008
     Wooribank  Vietnam.  Mr.  Choi  is  experienced  in  Finance         BA in Business Administration
     management  and  planning  strategies  such  as  long  term
     growth  strategy  in  terms  of  the  banking  industry.            Derivatives and Fund
     Additionally,  he  is  experienced  in  controlling  Treasury       Advisory
     which manages cash in & outflow, fulfils regulatory ratios,          2008
     utilises funds to maximize bank revenue, etc. Chan Min has
     a  proven  experience  in  Finance  and  Accounting,                Certificate for
     comprehensive  leadership,  analysis  skill  and  has  a  long      Documentary Credit
     term forecasting capability.                                        Specialist (CDCS)


         Finance & Accounting                   Areas of coaching

                                                   Industry knowledge and trends
      Department                                   Advisory and strategic/ critical thinking

         Finance and Accounting
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