Page 32 - Ocean Bay Club Management Proposal
P. 32

D. Maintenance Services/Supplying Goods and Services:

                         1.  Manager shall arrange for maintenance staff and services, assigned to the Association on a full-
           time or part-time basis, for such purposes as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the responsibilities of the
           Association. Maintenance Services will be delineated in the operating or reserve budgets as appropriate.

                         2.  Manager may provide or cause to be provided such maintenance, repair and replacement services,
           including  materials  and  supplies,  as  are  reasonably  required  to  fulfill  the  maintenance  responsibilities  of  the

                         3.  Manager may provide or cause to be provided pest control treatment to the Property and including
           individual Units. The Manager shall not be responsible, and hereby disclaims any and all liability or responsibility
           for the inspection and/or treatment of the property for termites, fungus, mold, excessive moisture, or any other wood
           destroying organisms.

                         4.  Manager shall make its best efforts to procure services and supplies at the best available prices
           and shall disclose such pricing to the Board.

                         5.  Manager has disclosed to the Association that, primarily by virtue of the Manager's services to
           other properties, Manager may on occasion, be able to obtain discount pricing by dealing on a volume basis with
           suppliers, subcontractors or other service providers. If discounts are available due to Manager's volume purchasing
           or bulk services relationships, Manager and the Association Board agree to discuss on a case-by-case basis potential
           savings to the Association.

                  E. Management Services for Casualty Loss, Restoration, Major Projects and Improvements:

                         1.  In the event of casualty loss and restoration of Association Property, or any portion thereof,
           including restoration or repair made necessary by Acts of God or other cause, the Manager shall, if authorized by the
           Board, provide assistance in the filing of insurance claims, coordination with insurance adjusters and coordination of
           restoration efforts through general or individual contractors. The Manager shall make recommendations to the Board
           to determine, assess, charge and levy the costs of casualty loss and other related matters. Manager will be paid an
           hourly fee for its casualty services as set forth in Exhibit A.

                         2. Manager shall, if authorized by the Board, provide necessary service to coordinate work efforts
           for  major  projects  and  improvements  through  general  or  individual  contractors.  The  Manager  shall  make
           recommendations to the Board to determine, assess, charge and levy costs of major projects and improvements among
           the Members in such proportions as it deems advisable. Manager will be paid Five Percent (5%) of project costs for
           its services related to major projects and improvements.

                  F.  Other Management Services

                         1.    Manager,  when  authorized  by  the  Board,  will  be  available  as  an  Association  witness  or
           representative when Association is involved in legal claims or lawsuits. Manager will be paid an hourly fee including
           travel and preparation time as set forth in Exhibit “A”.

                         2.    Manager  shall  have  the  right,  but  not  the  duty,  to  perform  or  cause  to  be  performed  other
           specialized services for the Association when authorized by the Board. Manager will be paid an hourly fee as set
           forth in Exhibit “A”.

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