Page 21 - South Beach Exchange Management Proposal
P. 21
ManagementProposal for South Beach Exchange
Financial Reporting
Our web‐based commercial management platform will be used for the financial management and
reporting for the property. A/R and A/P will post directly to the general ledger and will give real‐time
access up to date through the website. Reports provided will include operating and reserve account
balance sheets, accrual or cash‐based operating and YTD income and expenses statements including
variances from the budget, bank account reconciliation, rent roll, general ledgers, and any other reports
that the Owner would like provided to them.
Invoicing (Frequency / Description)
Invoices will be provided for the payment of rent and assessments. Tenants will have the ability to remit
payment directly to Tradd via check, remit payment via credit card or e‐ check, ACH, or online bill pay, all
of which assist with keeping delinquency at a minimum.
Tradd Management is insured through McGriff Insurance Agency. Our company carries Comprehensive
General Liability coverage including non‐owned and hired auto liability coverage of $2,000,000, we carry
Fidelity Bond coverage of $2,000,000, we carry Cyber Liability coverage, we carry Professional Errors and
Omissions Liability of $1,000,000, and we carry Worker’s Compensation which meets the statutory limits
required by the State of South Carolina.
Other Business Interest
Tradd Management does not own any business that provides services for property management outside
of the Tradd brand. We feel the bid process through qualified contractors is the best indicator of
controlled cost and unparalleled performance.
Hiring Policy
To comply with Equal Employment Opportunity and other local, state, and federal labor law
requirements, Tradd Management requires all employees to go through an extensive interview process
which includes, but is not limited to the following: resume, application process, verification of prior
employment, reference evaluation, 2 forms of ID (Driver’s license & SS), acquire copies of all licenses
and credentials, sign office policy and fair housing declaration, complete an employee contract, and
depending on the position may include credit worthiness and criminal background check.
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Myrtle Beach, SC | Greenville, SC | Charlotte, NC 20
W W W . T R A D D M A N A G E M E N T . C O M