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               Introduction                                  Literature review
               To open routes for SMEs the Govt. of India allowed   (Ashish Sharma, 2018) study SME fi nancing and
             NSE and BSE to open exchanges where SME’s could  success of companies post IPO. (Dr. Makarand S.
             enlist and their stocks could be publically traded. These  Wazal, 2020) study the IPO performance in SME
             are BSE SME and NSE Emerge (IIFL, 2021). This  Exchanges vis a vis the main board. The author
             took time but in this year 2022, SMEs have raised  highlight issues of transparency and lesser subscriptions
             a mammoth Rs. 900 crores (Soni, 2022). Last year  compared to Main Board IPOs. (Arora & Singh,
             some of them gave 100% returns (Roy, 2021). The  2020) examine the factors for oversubscription of
             regulations for a SME IPO is simplifi ed compared to a  SME IPOs and conclude that fi rm size, underpricing,
             mainboard IPO on NSE or BSE. SME IPOs released  underwriter reputation are important factors while issue
             after 2021 are studied to check how the CSR activities  price and listing delays are some of the downturns.
             impact the investor decisions. The companies are  (Arora & Singh, 2021)9 and 12 months share returns
             randomly chosen for the testing. The avenues for the  of Indian SME IPOs is studied using event time
             SMEs is not just limited to Angel Investors and IPOs,  methodologies, i.e. buy and hold returns, cumulative
             other crowdfunding models are emerging. We will  abnormal returns and wealth relatives on a sample of
             investigate the Initial Coin Offerings and Security Token  375 SME IPOs issued during February 2012 to May
             Offerings in this paper. Govt. policy like automatic FDI  2018. Additionally, ordinary least square regression
             route, MSME cluster development, Credit guarantee  has been used to investigate the determinants of long-
             schemes, etc., have provided avenues for SMEs. The  run performance of SME IPOs on a reduced sample of
             start-up ecosystems are emerging and another avenue  104 because of non-availability of price observations.
             for the MSMEs to raise funds where embedded fi nance  Findings The fi ndings reveal that Indian SME IPOs
             is evolving. However, the less evolved area is that of  exhibit long-run overperformance contradicting the
             the DApps (distributed applications ) and blockchain.  international  evidences  of  underperformance,  and
             We analyse the prospects in this sector and will this be  this overperformance is signifi cantly evident using
             the future of fundraising. Since 2017 many start-ups  buy and hold abnormal return (BHAR show SME
             have raised funds through ICOs despite the ambiguity  IPOs are performing well and exhibit buy and hold
             of government regulations (Bansal, 2017). WandX,  abnormal returns (BHAR). In their exploratory study
             Bangalore based start-up raised USD 4 Million through  on  sustainability  and  blockchain  (Jayawardhana
             their ICO. Other names were Drivezy, Nucleus Vision,  & Colombage, 2020) discuss the two pillars of
             BitIndia, Cashaa. The ICOs and STOs are the new way  sustainability  i.e.,  responsibility and governance.
             of crowdsourcing for start-ups (Kozhanova, 2020).  The authors cite examples of CSR activities to achieve
                                                           these objectives and show how blockchain can fi ll the
               Initial Coin Offering (ICO) and Security  gaps. (Elise Alfi eri, 2020) discuss how cryptocurrency
             Token Offerings (STO)                         and sustainability are linked. They break down the
               It is simply a way by which instead of equity the  social pillar into three factors of miners’ incentive,
             founders provide digital tokens to investors to raise  community’s inclusion and user privacy. The results
             funds. These digital assets may be used in future to  show that inclusion and miners’ wage premiums are
             take services from the company or exchanged for  irrelevant to coins’ valuation and remain unaccounted
             currency. The sole purpose of the ICOs were to reduce  for by market participants. Furthermore, privacy is
             trading costs and  streamline trading process. This was  penalised by the market. (Gangi et al., 2020) show
             overshadowed by scams and thus ‘trust factor’ was  that fi rms with good corporate governance do CSR,
             taken away (Rangwala, 2019).With the threats SEC  by studying 51 countries and 2480 fi rms. They also
             is studying this sector for regulations. The evolution  conclude that CSR impacts negatively the fi rms risk of
             of new securities Security Token Offerings (STO)  fi nancial distress. (Francesco Bollazzi, 2017) show that
             happened thus in 2019.  These security tokens are  the commitment of business in terms of ESG and CSR
             a better regulated form of digital tokens. The STOs  impacts the performance of the SME IPOs, in particular
             are backed by physical assets like stocks, metal and  regarding underpricing and ROE in Italian stock
             bonds.  There are many advantages of STOs. They  exchange. (Ghalke et al., 2018) show that SME IPOs
             suit regulatory requirements, they provide fractional  company give better focus to earnings management
             ownership i.e., multiple owners can buy a single asset,  than Main Board IPOs in India.(Hou et al., 2020)
             they reduce costs by removing middlemen and they  investigate the how corporate social responsibility
             provide better liquidity.                     (CSR) activities of listed enterprises on SME Borad in
                                                           China is impacted by effects of stakeholder protection

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