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               It may be observed from the table that production per   The evidence is that per employee performance
             employee for Khadi Sector has gone up by 26.16% (i.e.  of village industries is better on both the fronts, i.e.
             from Rs.33,352/- in 2016-17 to Rs.42,080/- in 2020-  production and sales, in comparison to khadi sector.
             21); by 59.35% (i.e. from Rs.31,182/- in 2016-17 to  However, the difference between the two sectors in per
             Rs.49,690/- in 2020-21) for village industries; and the  employee performance of sales is lower.
             overall aggregate movement being 58.22% (i.e. from
             Rs.31,254/- in 2016-17 to Rs.49,451/- in 2020-21).  A fair assumption is that the excess of sales per
                                                           employee over production per employee reflects
               Sales per employee for Khadi Sector has gone  the ‘Net Value Addition (NVA) per Employee’.
             up  by  63.84%  (i.e.  from  Rs.47,075/-  in  2016-17  Accordingly, the NVA per employee of khadi and
             to Rs.77,130/- in 2020-21); by 73.35% (i.e. from  village industries over the years would work out to the
             Rs.37,918/- in 2016-17 to Rs.65,732/- in 2020-  fi gures as tabulated in table
             21) for village industries; and the overall aggregate
             being 72.90% (i.e. from Rs.38,224/- in 2016-17 to   Table 6: NVA (in Rs.) per Employee of Khadi and
             Rs.66,091/- in 2020-21).                      Village Industries

               Serial  Particulars                2016-17    2017-18    2018-19     2019-20    2020-21

                 1     Khadi Sector                13723     19001       25238       37969     35050

                 2     Village Industries           6736      7529       10498       13077      16042

                 3     Total                       6970       7909       10995       13886      16640

               Khadi sector was providing a net value addition   05.00 Bottom Line
             of Rs.13,723/- per employee in 2016-17 as against   The example of computation of ‘Production per
             Rs.6,736/- by village industries and an average of  Employee’,  ‘Sales  per  Employee’  and  ‘Net  Value
             Rs.6,970/-. The fi gures have gone up to Rs.35,050/- per  Addition per Employee’ has been chosen to demonstrate
             employee in 2020-21 for khadi sector, to Rs.16,042/-  the CMA capabilities that can add visionary advantage
             for village industries and to an average of Rs.16,640/-  to micro enterprises. The tools and techniques of CMA
             for both together. The output of khadi sector turns out  fraternity could be many; but the objective is singular
             to be better when the performance is analysed in terms  – “Enabling a competitive edge by unveiling and
             of net value addition per employee which refl ects the  unleashing the untapped potential of the entrepreneurial
             ground reality.                               resources”.  MSMEs and CMAs could, therefore,
                                                           churn out to be a fantastic synergic combination for
               The critical observation, in this context, is whether   the economic prosperity.
             a net value addition of Rs.16,640/- per annum is
             suffi cient for the survival of any artisan or a  worker?    Resources:
             The obvious need is towards augmentation of the NVA   1.   Annual Report for 2020-21 of Ministry of
             per employee to sustainable levels; and that is where   MSME,  Government of India
             the skill set of a CMA would come handy.
                                                             2.   Budget documents of Government of India.

             36                                                   The Institute of Cost Accountants of India
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