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             from close collaboration between industry, academia,  objective, academic institutions or R&D fi rms may
             and R&D labs.                                 work with industry or industrial consortiums. The
                                                           idea for joint research should come from industry or
               The following broad eligibility criteria:   industry consortiums.

               Industrial,  industry  consortiums  and  academic   Proposals could be requested up to three times each
             institution(s) or R&D agencies doing industry-specifi c  year, depending on funding availability.
             research should come up with the proposal for
             collaborative research. In conjunction with industry,   A WG will be formed by the Department to
             these R&D labs will submit a project proposal to DeitY  analyse and assess the proposals. They could offer
             under the MGS programme.                      recommendations to the Department for budgetary
                                                           assistance. They may invite additional Domain
               E&IT innovation in modules, goods, packages, or  Experts based on the concepts under consideration.
             services should be the focus of the application. The MGS
             may also be used to evaluate projects that incorporate   Regularly, Project Review & Steering Group
             prototypes and packaging for commercialisation.  (PRSG) will monitor and review the project’s
                                                           technical and fi nancial progress. Grant release may
               Under the scheme, the application should be focused  be  recommended  by  the  PRSG.  In  addition,  the
             on the industry’s principal business.         PRSG may recommend continuation, extension, or
                                                           short-closure, as well as a project. In the PRSG, the
               In the recommended fi eld, the chosen institute or   industrial partner should be properly represented.
             project investigator should have the requisite abilities
             and experience. The R&D capabilities of institutions   NewGen IEDC
             engaging in joint research under MGS will be assessed   An initiative launched by National Science and
             by such scientists. In terms of the investigators, the   Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board
             following elements must be considered:        under the Department of Science and Technology,
                                                           named the NewGen Innovation and Entrepreneurship
               1.  The  number  of  professional  courses  offered   Development Centre. Its aim is to inculcate the
                  (B.Tech, M.Tech, PhD)                    spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation through
                                                           mentorship, support, and guidance.
               2.  Previous research work/projects done
                                                             This is a fi ve-year programme that would be provided
               3.  Number of papers published
                                                           in educational institutions. The aim is to support up to
               4.  Any industry partnership                20 new projects. The selected institute will receive a
                                                           fi nancial grant of up to Rs.25 lakh and a recurring
               5.  The institution’s existence for at least 5 years.  expenditure of up to Rs.10 lakh.

               The outcome of the proposed invention should be   Under this scheme, students will be encouraged
             technically and fi nancially viable. Market research data  to take up innovation projects with the possibility of
             for the modules, goods, packages, and services to be  commercialisation.
             created should be included in all submissions.
                                                             Sub-Mission on Agricultural Mechanisation
               The industry should have the necessary:     (SMAM)
                                                             An initiative launched by Ministry of Agriculture
               1.  Staff for technology absorption         and  Farmers Welfare in 2014-15 with the aim to
                                                           expand the reach of farm mechanisation to small and
               2.  Infrastructure for production in-house or detailed   marginal farmers in such areas where the availability
                  defi nite plans to procure it from elsewhere. If   of farm power is low enough to boost productivity.
                  necessary, a subcommittee of the Working   Under the scheme, both the central government and
                  Group (WG) may be formed to determine the   the states will contribute 75% and 25%, respectively.
                  industry’s position.
               Implementation process                        The scheme aims to promote customer hiring centres
               Under the MGS plan, academic institutions or R&D  to offset the adverse economic impact arising due
             organisations should submit project ideas. For this  to small landholding and the high cost of individual

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