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P. 39


             behind successful incubation. This capacity-building   Funding options for start-ups
             programme for the incubators will be complemented   This is the era of startups and in the fi eld of startups,
             by providing training to entrepreneurs, also through  in a way, country is leading the world. Country has
             technology-driven processes and platforms.    created a robust ecosystem for startups as well as
                                                           entrepreneurs and now home to the third-largest startup
               This is being extended to the entire portfolio of 65+   ecosystem in the world, according to the Economic
             AIM supported  incubators. Even during  Covid-19   Survey 2021-22.
             pandemic, the core programme teams have worked
             out means to deliver this programme in a contactless   Over 60,000 startups are operating and over 100
             and digital manner via interactive online sessions.  unicorns in the country. However, not all of them have
             This programme leverages technology in a big way to  the right resources to thrive in the ecosystem and create
             convert the art of incubation into science by providing  a strong presence.
             logical, structured, self-learning modules on a digital
             platform.                                       Government actively supports startups and
                                                           entrepreneurs by launching various programmes
               AIM believes that incubators and accelerators have  and initiatives to train as well as provide fi nancial
             a critical role to play in creating high-potential startups  assistance, technical support, subsidies and other
             However there is a strong need for creating disruptive  essential services to these entrepreneurs and startups
             solutions for the socio-economic challenges within the  to fuel their growth. These initiatives play a vital
             country. The programme is launched with the objective  role in the journey of these entrepreneurs in building
             of enabling and empowering its incubators so that they  their businesses and leaving a dent in the world. With
             are able to nurture and hand-hold to next-gen disruptive  government support, these startups get worldwide
             startups that shall provide transformative solutions for  recognition and can attract foreign investors as well.
             the country and the world. The core objective of this
             structured capacity building programme is to enable   Funding for start-ups
             the incubators to design and implement world-class
             entrepreneurship programmes, make their institution   Sources for equity funding for start ups
             sustainable, and build credibility.
                                                             Angel investors; Self-fi nancing - family and friends;
               Programme has been designed keeping the following   Venture capitalists; Crowd funding; Incubators/
             main objectives in view:                      Accelerators

               1. Enable incubators to design a world-class   Debt fi nancing institutions
                  entrepreneur support programme that covers all   Banks, Non-banking financial institutions.
                  aspects of incubation: Sourcing and selection;   Government loan schemes
                  Incubation and startup building; Community
                  engagement and collaborations; Monitoring   Government schemes for funding start-ups
                  progress  and  tracking  growth;  Mentor  on-
                  boarding and management                    Startup India Seed Fund Scheme (SISFS)
               2.   Enable incubators to develop sustainable business   Startup India initiative envisages building a robust
                  models for themselves                    start-up ecosystem in the country for nurturing
                                                           innovation and providing opportunities to budding
               3.   Enable incubators to provide requisite support   entrepreneurs. Have a roadmap for the creation of
                  infrastructure and training for startups  conducive ecosystem for startups.

               4.   Create a robust network of mentors, investors,   SISFS is one such scheme provides financial
                  and other ecosystem stakeholders and encourage   assistance  to  early-stage  startups.  This  enables  to
                  a collaborative ecosystem                have easy availability of capital which is essential
                                                           for entrepreneurs at the early stages of growth of an
               5.   Create a process to produce viable, investable   enterprise.
                  startups and attract investors

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