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Seminar on MSMEs &
Operational Issues
The Task Force on MSME and Start-up, ICAI of The Institute of Cost Accountants of India during
and Nashik-Ojhar Chapter of ICAI jointly with his speech expressed his opinion on ‘Purpose of
Laghu Udyog Bharti-Nashik had conducted a half- Inventory’. The purposes are to maintain dependence
day seminar on “MSMES and Operational Issues” of operations, to meet variation in product demand,
on 3rd July 2022 at Hotel The Vern BLVD, Nashik. to take advantage of Economic Purchase order size
etc. He also discussed about ‘Purpose of Inventory
CMA P Raju Iyer, CMA Chittaranjan Management’ which are to have- right stock, at the
Chattopadhyay CCM Chairman of Task Force on right levels, in the right place, at the right time.
MSME & Start up – ICAI, CMA Bhushan Pagere, Next he talked about the ‘Types of Inventory’ which
Chairman of Nasik Ojhar Chapter along with include raw materials, components, fi nished goods,
Mr. Vivek Kulkarni-President of Laghu Udyog Maintenance and Repair and Operations (MRO)
Bharti and Mr. Nikhil Tapadia – Secretary of Laghu goods. He then shared his valuable observations
Udyog Bharti were on dais. Afternoon session of the on Bulk Shipment, ABC Inventory Management,
program started by Bharatmata Poojan and Vande Inventory Cycle Counting its pros and cons etc. He
Mataram. Mrs. Dhanlaxmi Patwardhan, Treasurer of also cited the case studies of McDonalds, WalMart
Laghu Udyog Bharti welcomed all dignitaries and all and discussed about some strategies used. Finally, he
present members. On behalf of Laghu Udyog Bharti ended his speech with thanksgiving.
Mr. Vivek Kulkarni felicitated honourable President
CMA P Raju Iyer, CMA Chittaranjan Chattopadhyay After that CMA Pradyna Chandorkar welcomed
and speakers of the event CMA Amit Apte and Shri Anant Govande who started his speech with
CMA Anant Govande.On behalf of ICAI Nasik Ojhar ‘Working Capital components’. After that, he spoke
Chapter, CMA Arpita Fedge and CMA Dipak Joshi about ‘Receivables Management’ under which he
welcomed and felicitated Mr. Vivek Kulkarni and discussed about Contract negotiation, payment terms,
Mr.Nikhil Tapadia President and secretary Invoicing process, Aged-Receivables Analysis, etc.
respectively. Then he emphasized on ‘Inventory Management’,
in which he discussed about Age Analysis, Just-
CMA Chittaranjan Chattopadhyay, Chairman of in-time purchase, Physical Verifi cation, etc. After
the Task Force on MSME & Start-Up addressed the that he talked about ‘Cash/ Bank Management’ in
members and congratulated the Chapter for organising which he focussed on Daily tracking across multiple
the seminar in association with Laghu Udyog Bharti, banks/ locations, Foreign Currency Management,
Nasik on such relevant topics for sensitising MSME Online Collection System, etc. Next, he put light
entrepreneurs which included Inventory Management on ‘Management of Other Current Assets’, in which
and Working Capital Management. He emphasized his focus was on Third party balance confi rmations,
on the need of Inventory management and Working timely utilization of Input Tax Credits, etc.
capital management which is the strong foundation Afterwards, he discussed about ‘Management of
of MSME. He delved on the various professional trade payables’, his focus was on timely payment to
opportunities opened during the recent times for CMAs vendors, GST, TDS, TCS, etc. Then he talked about
in Banking, Financial Services & Insurance Sector. ‘Management of Borrowings’, in which he discussed
He emphasised on sharpening the skills of CMAs to on Credit Rating, Security, etc. Then he spoke about
grab various professional opportunities. He handed ‘Case study - Orient Electric’, in which he focussed
over two publications one titled “Aide Memoire on Working Capital Analysis.
on Micro Small and Medium Sector Enterprises
(including Restructuring of MSME Credit)” and the The vote of thanks was delivered by Mrs.
other “Aide Memoire on Infrastructure Financing” to Dhanalxmi Patwardhan, Treasurer of Laghu Udyog
the President and Secretary of Laghu Udyog Bharti. Bharti.
He expressed his hope to organise such programmes
in association with the Head Quarter in future. The programme was attended by more than 70
members from Laghu Udyog Bharti and another 80
CMA Amit Anand Apte, Past President (2018-19) members of the Nasik-Ojhar Chapter.
58 The Institute of Cost Accountants of India