Page 59 - MSME BULLETIN 2022 .indd
P. 59


              Comments/ Suggestions of  The Institute of

                      Cost Accountants of  India  on Draft

                     National Policy for Micro, Small and

                    Medium Enterprises (MSME) in India

               In pursuant to various measures taken to  Enterprises invited stakeholders, Industry Associations,
             promote competitiveness, technology upgradation,  MSME units and general public to share suggestions
             infrastructure, cluster development, dedicated credit,  and comments on the Draft Policy. The purpose stated
             procurement of products &  fi nancial assistance to  was to fi rm up adaptive and inclusive National Policy
             MSME, the Government of India has come out with  for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.
             a Draft National Policy for Micro, Small and Medium
             Enterprises in India.                           In view of above, The Institute of Cost Accountants
                                                           of India invited comments/ suggestions from all
               Accordingly, the Draft National Policy for Micro,   stakeholders  and  the  comments/  suggestions  were
             Small and Medium Enterprises in India had been placed   collated and the following consolidated suggestions/
             on the Government of India’s website https://www.  comments were submitted by the Institute to the
    for suggestions/ comments.           Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises on
               The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium  28  February, 2022.

              Serial   Clause No.      Para and      Suggestion/ Comments         Justification, if any

               No.                     Page No.
                                                                              New objective added which
                                                  Design and develop frame-   will  assist  MSMEs  in  deci-
                1.      Objectives        9       work for Performance        sion-making and at the same
                                                                              time allow the government
                                                  Monitoring through Key
                                                  Performance Indicators      to monitor them in a more

                                                                              efficient manner.
                                                  Develop a platform to create
                                                  an integrated database
                                                  under uniform format
                         National                 on- numbers, products,      Design Intervention is
                2.                        11      investment, technologies,   necessary for Technology
                       Government                 design intervention, R&D,   Upgradation
                                                  marketing etc. in MSMEs
                                                  and provide access to
                                                  stakeholders on need basis.
                                                  Document best practices on   Documenting best practices
                                                  cluster development, mar-
                       8.1 National                                           in costing & pricing will

                3.     Government         11      keting, financing costing,   assist MSMEs to improve
                                                  pricing etc. and link them
                          (xvii)                                              their cost management &
                                                  with awards for best practise   profitability.

                                                  and follow up.
                                                  Develop a network of Re-    Include Professional
                       8.1 National
                4.     Government         11      search institutions, Profes-  Bodies  like  The  Institute  of
                                                  sional Bodies and Chairs in
                                                  the area of MSMEs.          Cost Accountants of India

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