Page 61 - MSME BULLETIN 2022 .indd
P. 61


              Serial   Clause No.      Para and      Suggestion/ Comments         Justification, if any

               No.                     Page No.
                                                  Build banks’ ability to cap-

                                                  ture cash flows of MSME bor-
                        8.3 Access                rowers on a regular basis, for
                       to Finance/                which tie-ups with Industry

                10.     Financial         16      Professionals/ Majors/ Ag-  Professionals like Certified
                                                                              Accounting Technicians
                       assistance for             gregators/ Online platforms
                       MSMEs (viii)               will have to be done by the

                                                  Create Centres of Excellence
                                                  with specialized staff to pe-
                           8.4                    riodically study issues faced  Existing Centres of Excel-
                                                  by MSMEs and build capaci- lence of Professional bodies
                11.    Technology         18      ty through SOPs, Guidelines,  like various Centre of Excel-
                       Upgradation                manuals and checklists and  lence of The Institute of Cost
                           (vi)                   collaborate  with  existing Accountants of India’s
                                                  Centres of Excellence of Pro-
                                                  fessional bodies.
                                                                              The  existing  Tool Room
                                                                              Training Centres are basi-
                                                  Tool Room Training Centres   cally Machine Tool Room
                           8.4                    as exists in select districts   Training Centres. There is a
                                                  should  be  replicated  at  dis-
                12.    Technology         18      trict level across the country.   need to have Financial and
                       Upgradation                It should also include Finan-  Business Tool Room Cen-
                           (vii)                  cial and Business Tool Room   tres.  This  may  be  achieved
                                                  Training Centres.           by engaging ICMAI Man-
                                                                              agement Accounting Re-
                                                                              search Foundation.
                                                  District be made the nodal
                                                  centre for both- (i) receiving
                                                  the demand for training from
                                                  the enterprises about the kind
                         8.5 Skill                of skill required by them, and
                13.   Development         18      (ii) receive the information  As in Serial No. 1
                            (i)                   from all the professional bodies
                                                  and training entities about the
                                                  programmes that they would
                                                  be providing in the next six

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