Page 11 - Startup 1
P. 11
4 PRONUNCIATION Stressed words
01-04 Listen. Notice the stressed words. Then listen and repeat. We stress the important
words in a sentence.
Good morning. Nice to meet you. What’s your name? Stressed words are strong
01-05 Listen. Circle the sentence with the correct stress. and clear.
Then listen again and repeat.
1. a. Thank you. 4. a. Good night.
b. Thank you. b. Good night.
2. a. How are you? 5. a. See you later.
b. How are you? b. See you later.
3. a. Fine, thanks. And you? 6. a. What’s your name again?
b. Fine, thanks. And you? b. What’s your name again?
PAIRS Check your answers.
01-06 Listen or watch. Number the
sentences in the order you hear them.
How are you?
Nice to meet you.
1 Hello.
I’m sorry. What’s your last name again?
Hi. I’m Tina Adams.
I’m fine.
01-07 Read the Conversation Skill. Listen or watch. Complete the conversation.
Ester: . I’m Ester Silva. CONVERSATION SKILL
Ask someone to repeat a name
Tina: ! I’m Tina Adams.
Nice to meet you. To ask someone to repeat a name, say,
Ester: I’m . What’s your last I’m sorry. What’s your name again?
Listen or watch the conversation in
name again? 5A. Raise your hand when you hear
Tina: Adams. someone ask to repeat a name.
Ester: Oh, OK. Adams. It’s nice to meet you, too!
I’m = I am
01-08 Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner.
MAKE IT PERSONAL Practice the conversation again. Use your own information.
WALK AROUND Greet your classmates. Remember, you can ask your classmates
to repeat their names.
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StartUp Student Book 1 9780134684130.indb 7