Page 14 - Startup 1
P. 14
lesson3 tAlk ABoUt tHIngs In An oFFIce
1 VOCABULARY Things in an office I need a lot of offi ce supplies.
01-16 Listen. Then listen and repeat.
a computer a phone a desk a printer
a pen a pencil a chair a notepad a cell phone an eraser
Look at the words. Circle the word that
does not belong.
a sticky note a cabinet
1. computer cell phone eraser printer
2. pen chair notepad pencil
3. cell phone cabinet desk chair
4. sticky note phone notepad eraser
PAIRS Look around your classroom. Write a list of all the things in 1A that you see.
Then compare your lists.
2 GRAMMAR Regular plural nouns; Need and have
Regular plural nouns Need, have
Singular Plural Notes Subject Need, have Noun
a phone phones • Add -s to most regular I
an eraser erasers nouns. You need
a box boxes • Add -es to regular nouns We have a pen.
a class classes that end in s, x, z, ch, or They notepads.
sh. He needs
a dictionary dictionaries • Change the y to i and She has
a company companies add -es to nouns that end Notes
in a consonant + -y.
• Add -s to the base form of the
a shelf shelves • Change f and fe to v and verb for he, she, and it.
a life lives add -es to nouns that end • Have is irregular. For he, she,
in -fe or -f. and it, use has.
10 UnIt 1
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