Page 12 - Startup 1
P. 12

lesson2                     IntRodUce otHeRs

                                                                                     TINA ADAMS
                  1 VOCABULARY  Occupations                                          I like my new neighbor.

                           01-09 Listen. Then listen and repeat.

                    an architect   a manager          a chef        an engineer        a dentist     a flight attendant

                   a doctor       a programmer       a nurse         a scientist     an accountant    an illustrator

                         Label the pictures. Use words from 1A.
                         1.           2.        3.         4.         5.        6.         7.         8.

                        an architect                                                                  accountant
                         TAKE A POLL  Which occupation is the most interesting? The most diffi cult?
                         Which occupation pays the most?

                  2 GRAMMAR  Statements with be; Articles a / an

                     Statements with be        Contractions   Articles
                     Subject  Be                              A                 An
                     I        am               I’m            a student         an accountant
                     You      are              You’re         a teacher         an engineer
                                     a doctor.
                     He       is               He’s           a programmer      an illustrator
                     She                       She’s
                     We                        We’re          Notes
                     You      are    doctors.  You’re         • Use a before nouns that start with
                     They                      They’re          a consonant sound.
                     Note: Use contractions in speaking and   • Use an before nouns that start
                     informal writing.                          with a vowel sound.

                                                                    >> FOR PRACTICE, GO TO PAGE 105
           8  UnIt 1

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