Page 43 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2019-20
P. 43
ADVANCED ART Students can expect to spend $30.00 to $100.00 on
supplies, depending on the concentration they
(Full year, 1 credit, Grades 11-12) choose.
Advanced Art is intended for the motivated The portfolio for Studio Art: Drawing requires
advanced art student who desires an individual submissions in three distinct sections and is
approach to his/her studies as well as direction in submitted in May.
compiling a senior portfolio (a successful body of
work). First semester includes work in a variety of SECTION I: Five actual drawings;
media with projects that emphasize problem solving Quality maximum size is 18" x
from a personal standpoint. During this semester,
students compile or complete a portfolio, if needed, 24"
for admission to an art college or university. During
second semester, students who have successfully SECTION II: 12 images; some may
completed the Advanced Art coursework may work Concentration be details
independently. Since most of the work is
independently designed, students need to be self- SECTION 12 images of 12
directed learners. They will be responsible for Breadth III: different works; one
developing a 9-week plan at the beginning of each
grading period. image of each is
Lab Fee: $70
Prerequisite: Creative Painting, Creative Drawing or Prerequisite: Creative Painting, Creative Drawing or
Advanced Painting Advanced Painting
Lab Fee: $70.00, the AP test fee is $95.00
(Semester, ½ credit, Grades 9-12)
AP STUDIO ART This course is designed to provide students with the
study of art elements and principles of design
(Full year, 1 AP credit, Grade 12) through the medium of photography. Students will
learn how to use digital SLR cameras and point-and-
The Advanced Placement Program in Studio Art: shoot digital cameras. Using computers and state of
Drawing is a performance-based visual exam the art computer software, including Adobe
designed for self-motivated students who excel in Photoshop and LightRoom, students will learn how
risk-taking and independent thought. Successful to plan and produce compositions that demonstrate
completion of Art III is a pre-requisite. Each student an understanding of composition, color and visual
will develop and submit a portfolio that serves as a impact. Students will have the opportunities to
direct demonstration of achievement. The term utilize digital cameras, a flatbed scanner, and
"drawing" is used very broadly; all sorts of art that computer software and output work on laser
involves directly making marks on a surface can fit printers and professional
into this portfolio. This includes not only work in quality ink jet printers.
traditional drawing media -- such as pencils, ink, and
pastels -- but also many kinds of painting, Required Camera: Any digital camera other than a
printmaking, and other forms of expression. phone camera is acceptable.
Students in AP Studio Art should expect to devote at -Students will have the opportunity to sign-out DSLR
least ten hours of work outside of class per week to cameras
stay on track. Additionally, students may decide to
purchase specific materials, such as canvas or Prerequisite: None
illustration board, to best develop their work. Lab and Material Fee: $40.00