Page 45 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2019-20
P. 45


            BUSINESS EDUCATION                            assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity are studied in

9th Grade:                10th Grade:                     depth. Students reinforce their understanding of
Business Essentials       Business Essentials             accounting procedures by working through realistic
Accounting Principles     Accounting Principles           accounting cycles for a sole proprietorship and a
Entrepreneurship &        Entrepreneurship &              merchandising business organized as a corporation.
                                                          Business transactions are analyzed, recorded, and
    Engineering              Engineering                  summarized for the preparation of general-purpose
Entrepreneurship &        Entrepreneurship &              financial statements—the same statements that
                                                          large corporations use to report financial ratios,
    Launching a Start-up     Launching a Start-up         component percentages, and stockholders’ equity.
11th Grade:               12th Grade:                     In addition, students complete a simulation and are
Business Essentials       Business Essentials             also presented with instructional activities that
Entrepreneurship          Entrepreneurship                reinforce mathematical and critical thinking skills.
Accounting Principles     Accounting Principles
Entrepreneurship &        Entrepreneurship &

    Engineering              Engineering                  Workbook required. Simulation provided
Entrepreneurship &        Entrepreneurship &

Launching a Start-up Launching a Start-up                 BUSINESS ESSENTIALS


            ½ credit required for graduation              (1 semester, ½ credit, Grades 9-12)

9th Grade:                10th Grade:                     Meets the Financial Literacy Requirement

Integrated Computer Integrated Computer                   Meets the ½ credit computer requirement

Applications              Applications                    Prerequisite: None

Computer Science 1        Computer Science1               This course is a great foundation no matter what
                          AP Computer Science             your plans! Business Essentials teaches life skills
11th Grade:                                               necessary to become financially independent.
Integrated Computer          Principles                   Students will explore various topics including
                          AP Computer Science A           banking, budgets, taxes and salary, how to avoid
    Applications          12th Grade:                     credit and debt pitfalls, and how to invest in the
Computer Science 1        Integrated Computer             stock market. Established learning techniques will
AP Computer Science                                       be used to broaden students’ awareness of skills
                             Applications                 needed—whether they are pursuing higher
    Principles            Computer Science 1              education, entering the workforce, or starting a
AP Computer Science A     AP Computer Science             business of their own. We will do this by engaging

                          AP Computer Science A

                                                          the students in real-world simulations, teaching

ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES                                     them analytical skills associated with authentic case

(1 semester, ½ credit, Grades 9-12)                       studies, collaborating on group projects, networking
Prerequisite: None                                        with guest speakers, and interpreting selected
                                                          readings. Students will learn communication and

Accounting is the Language of Business! Accounting        critical thinking skills, along with decision-making

Principles provides an excellent background not only      techniques. In addition, social media etiquette and

for college accounting but also provides a solid          business ethics are examined. This course meets

foundation for any business career. The concepts of       the State of Ohio Financial Literacy Requirement.

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