Page 46 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2019-20
P. 46
This course also meets the ½ credit computer course will earn 3 college credit hours and one high
requirement. school credit in entrepreneurship.
Semester 2 will be devoted to developing a product
ENTREPRENEURSHIP using foundational skills in entrepreneurship from
Semester 1. Students will identify a need within a
CCP course for 2017-18 (Kent State) business and develop a feasibility analysis. Students
(1 semester, ½ HS credit, 3 college credits – Grades will be required to earn certifications on fabrication
11-12) equipment in the high school makerspace lab and
Prerequisite: None utilize software to engineer and design a prototype
Entrepreneurship is designed to help students or product. Students will pitch their product to a
understand the entrepreneurial process, from community board. The second semester is offered
conception to the birth of a new venture. Emphasis as a credit flex and successful completion will earn
is placed on developing an entrepreneurial spirit students one high school credit in engineering.
through studying the attributes of successful Lab Fee: $50
entrepreneurs to learn how to turn an opportunity
into a viable business. Students will engage in ENTREPRENEURSHIP & LAUNCHING A
networking opportunities and receive mentorship START-UP
guidance. This course is offered through Kent State
University’s Marketing and Entrepreneurship (2 semesters, 2.0 HS credits, 3 college credits, open
department. Students meeting the college to grades 9-12)
requirements and successfully completing this Prerequisite: Admission requirement(s) of KSU
course will earn both college and high school credit.
Semester 1 will be devoted
Recommended prerequisite: Integrated Computer to the introduction of entrepreneurship. This
Applications semester is designed to help students understand
the entrepreneurial process, from conception to the
ENTREPRENEURSHIP & ENGINEERING birth of a new venture. Emphasis is placed on
developing an entrepreneurial spirit through
(2 semesters, 2.0 HS credits, 3 college credits, open studying the attributes of successful entrepreneurs
to grades 9-12) to learn how to turn an opportunity into a viable
Prerequisite: Admission requirement(s) of KSU business. Students will engage in networking
Semester 1 will be opportunities and receive mentorship guidance.
devoted to the introduction of entrepreneurship. This course is offered through Kent State
This semester is designed to help students University’s Marketing and Entrepreneurship
understand the entrepreneurial process, from department. Students meeting the college
conception to the birth of a new venture. Emphasis requirements and successfully completing this
is placed on developing an entrepreneurial spirit course will earn 3 college credit hours and one high
through studying the attributes of successful school credit in marketing.
entrepreneurs to learn how to turn an opportunity Semester 2 will be devoted to developing a service
into a viable business. Students will engage in using foundational skills in entrepreneurship from
networking opportunities and receive mentorship Semester 1. Students will identify a need within a
guidance. This course is offered through Kent State business and develop a feasibility analysis. Students
University’s Marketing and Entrepreneurship will be required to earn certifications on fabrication
department. Students meeting the college equipment in the high school makerspace lab and
requirements and successfully completing this utilize software to develop their service and
marketing plan. Students will pitch their service to a