Page 32 - 2021HHSHandbook2
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If you have any questions or concerns please contact our Technology Coordinator, Stephanie Swiderski at, our Media Technology Coordinator, Kristin Dages at, or the HMS Main Office at 330-653-1316.
If a parent or guardian calls to leave a message for his/her child, the office personnel will do their best to
see that emergency messages are given to the student. We do not want to interrupt class time for any
non-emergency reason.
Please Note: Because we believe that responsibility is an important character trait for students to
develop in middle school, forgotten items will not be delivered to students. We do not expect students to
call home for any forgotten items. In addition, we encourage parents to refrain from providing these items
once the students have arrived at school. In rare circumstances when an item is brought for a
student, the item will be available to the student for retrieval during the student’s lunch period.
*Medications are an exception.
The Middle School dining area is located in the Commons. As participants in the National School Lunch
Program, each lunch served must be offered five components: a protein source, grain, a vegetable, a fruit
and eight ounces of milk; however your child may choose as little as three foods to complete a meal.
Choices of entrees are available each day, including both hot and cold selections. There are also a variety
of vegetables, fruits and cold milks to choose from. Our schools also offer a variety of a la carte items for
sale including portioned baked snacks, bagels, juices, fresh baked cookies, chips, waters and alternate
beverages ranging in prices from $.50 and up. Lunch costs are currently $3.00* for all lunches. *Subject to
The identification of students for the 2020-2021 school year will be their student entered ID
number (EMIS) on a pin pad. Hudson Nutrition Services uses MyPaymentsPlus software. This allows
lunch lines to move more efficiently by eliminating the exchange of money during lunch. Students use
their ID number (EMIS) to record what they are buying that day. Parents may put money on their child’s
account by either sending cash or a check to the school made payable to Hudson City Schools. Please
include the students’ name and ID number on the check or envelope. Parents can also make deposits
online at for a small fee. Students will have to have monies on account in
order to purchase lunches and a la carte items. If your balance falls below $5.00, you will receive a
reminder call from the E-connect system regarding your low account status. Please remember, we will
not be accepting money during the lunch lines to decrease the amount of time students wait in
line, and increase the amount of time they have to eat. Students must know their ID number and
will be asked to enter the number on a keypad at the point of sale where a cashier can verify the
students’ account with a photo match for account security.
Daily lunch menus are available online at You may also download the app. All
other information for Nutrition Services, including the current free and reduced meal application, can be
found at – District Home Page/Parent Link/Nutrition. Parents may contact the
Nutrition Service Department with questions at 330-653-1203.