Page 35 - 2021HHSHandbook2
P. 35

3.     Students are required to participate in P.E. class in order to participate in a physical activity after

            *6th/7th Grade only: As part of the Health Education curriculum at HMS, students will explore a variety
            of health-related topics in their PE class with an overall focus on positive decision-making. All 6th and 7th
            grade students will have Health Education during portions of their regularly scheduled PE class. Health
            assessments will be a small portion of a combined PE/Health grade.


            Hudson meets the diverse needs and abilities of students through curriculum differentiation. For
            identified gifted students, formal gifted services begin in grade 3, and are offered using a tiered service

            Tier I services superior cognitive gifted learners with a Cognitive Skills Index (CSI) of 137+ OR a CSI of
            132-136 and a gifted reading identification (95th percentile or higher). These students receive direct
            services in Reading/Language Arts from a Gifted Intervention Specialist (GIS) in grades 3-8. This teacher
            serves as the teacher of record for reading in grades 3-5 and as the English teacher for these students in
            grades 6-8. Tier II services superior cognitive gifted learners with a CSI of 128-131 OR a CSI of 132-136
            but no gifted reading identification. These students are clustered together in grades 3-8 with teachers who
            receive ongoing professional development on the social-emotional and academic needs of gifted learners.
            This is not a pull-out service.

            Tier III services gifted learners who are identified in reading and/or math (95th percentile or higher), but
            do not have a superior cognitive identification. These students are also clustered together in grades 3-8
            with teachers who receive ongoing professional development on the social-emotional and academic needs
            of gifted learners. This is not a pull-out service.

            More information can be found on the District website (Departments, Assistant Superintendent, Gifted
            Service/REACH Program) or


             Students are not permitted to use rollerblades, skateboards or other self-propelled vehicles in the school
             building or on school property during school hours. Students will be subject to disciplinary action if found
             to be in use of one.


            Regular school rules are in effect during school- sponsored activities which occur during the school day or
            outside the school day, on or off school property and when being transported by school vehicles.
            Students are not permitted on school property after school hours unless participating in a school-
            sponsored activity or community recreation activity.

             SCHOOL STORE

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