Page 34 - 2021HHSHandbook2
P. 34

educational curriculum of the student. The parent will have access to the instructional material within a
             reasonable period of time after the request is received by the building principal. The term instructional
             material means instructional content that is provided to a student, regardless of its format, including
             printed and representational materials, audio-visual materials, and material in electronic or digital formats
             (such as materials accessible through the Internet). The term does not include academic tests or


            Students are not permitted to be in the hall at any time during classes unless they have a pass from a
            faculty member.  Students must check-in with the teacher whose class is being missed prior to using the
            pass. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain a pass when needed.


            In an effort to ensure the creation of a safe learning environment that is conducive for positive learning
            experiences, the Physical Education Department provides the following guidelines for students:

            Class Expectations
            1.     Come to class in appropriate clothing for physical activity. (e.g., athletic shorts/sweats/leggings and
                   appropriate shoes). If a student desires to change into different clothing for class, s/he will be
                   granted time and have access to the locker room in order to do so. Any inappropriate behavior in
                   the locker room will result in the privilege being taken away.
            2.     Demonstrate a willingness to participate in all class activities to the best of your ability.
            3.     Exhibit appropriate personal and social responsibility.
            4.     If applicable, please have medical devices (e.g., inhaler, EpiPen, etc.) available at all times;
                   particularly, during outdoor activities and/or fitness testing.
            5.     Students will be responsible for any broken equipment as a result of any misconduct during class.
                   The teacher will provide a receipt of replacement purchase to the student/family for

            Injury or Illness
            1.     If excused from P.E. activities for less than one week, a parent note is required.  The note is to be
                   turned in to the school nurse, who will notify the P.E. teacher.
            2.     If excused from P.E. Activities for longer than one week, a doctor’s note is required.  The note is to
                   be turned in to the school nurse, who will notify the P.E. teacher, school counselor, and athletic
                   director (if needed). As a result of the extended absence, students will:
                     a.    Be assigned to a study hall or team support until a doctor’s release.
                     b.    Remain on the P.E. class list and receive an (E) exempted from assignments/daily points
                           during the absence.  When missing the majority of a semester (per PE teacher discretion),
                           the student will receive an M (medical) as a final grade.
                     c.    Once a doctor’s release is obtained, please turn it in to the nurse, who will notify the P.E.
                           teacher, school counselor, and athletic director. At that point, the student will resume P.E.
                           class activities.
                     d.    The school counselor will check in with a student if no doctor’s release has been provided,
                           and will notify the school nurse, P.E. teacher, and athletic director.

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