Page 142 - Hudson City Schools CAFR 2017
P. 142

                                                      SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO
                                           CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES, GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS
                                                      LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS
                                               (MODIFIED ACCRUAL BASIS OF ACCOUNTING)
                                                  2017         2016         2015        2014          2013
                From local sources:
                   Property taxes             $          38,638,804  $        43,368,939  $        44,766,636  $          47,389,754  $          42,122,419
                   Payments in lieu of taxes                   566,274                 472,588                 984,788                   515,367                   349,063
                   Tuition                                     814,892                 792,968                 641,669                   800,280                   703,700
                   Transportation fees                                     -                            -                            -                               -                               -
                   Earnings on investments                     309,301                 141,723                   38,680                     57,818                     51,472
                   Charges for services                     1,264,343              1,208,133              1,203,390                1,206,450                1,279,995
                   Extracurricular                             857,199                 846,655                 848,935                   849,924                   769,849
                   Classroom materials and fees                   338,123                 363,532                 361,002                   346,964                   346,101
                   Other local revenues                        628,552                 480,490                 681,522                1,531,441                   452,473
                  Intergovernmental - Intermediate                1,403,079              1,405,451              1,335,218                1,307,311                1,278,479
                  Intergovernmental - State               20,166,871            20,174,136            20,366,537              20,072,709              20,078,720
                  Intergovernmental - Federal                1,716,766              1,649,257              1,693,478                1,760,248                1,856,419
              Total revenues                              66,704,204            70,903,872            72,921,855              75,838,266              69,288,690
                      Regular                             27,041,736            26,634,674            27,131,221              27,194,680              26,755,411
                      Special                               9,320,195              8,766,022              8,943,676                8,615,372                6,406,501
                      Vocational                               311,872                 290,227                 269,533                   254,736                   241,724
                      Other                                 1,261,399              1,285,813              1,290,104                1,283,858                1,211,810
                     Support services:
                      Pupil                                 4,933,413              4,826,657              4,567,464                4,706,665                4,908,661
                      Instructional staff                   2,100,786              2,171,807              1,988,037                1,846,576                4,319,163
                      Board of education                         78,386                   38,630                   70,249                     41,731                     44,201
                      Administration                        4,028,833              3,867,128              3,868,836                4,020,237                4,259,944
                      Fiscal                                1,361,659              1,410,151              1,206,874                1,619,261                2,023,839
                      Business                                 613,035                 623,359                 591,359                   559,490                   593,078
                      Operations and maintenance                5,095,194              4,971,577              4,937,486                4,882,939                4,772,810
                      Pupil transportation                  4,027,925              3,708,416              3,915,887                3,233,565                3,954,783
                      Central                                  531,625                 459,386                 453,604                   525,875                   499,551
                   Operation of non-instructional services:
                      Food service operations                1,537,420              1,397,609              1,388,802                1,365,327                1,435,672
                      Other non-instructional services                     37,412                   18,080                   11,306                     17,864                     23,995
                   Extracurricular activities                1,652,700              1,567,433              1,479,062                1,458,495                1,241,538
                   Facilities acquisitions and construction                2,095,139              2,025,949              3,367,929                2,312,691                1,002,774
                   Capital outlay                                          -                            -                            -                               -                   340,880
                   Debt service:
                      Principal retirement                  1,154,911              1,179,033              1,495,843                3,425,296                3,306,932
                      Interest and fiscal charges                   693,924                 725,382                 770,613                   816,437                   847,026
                      Debt issue costs                                     -                            -                            -                               -                   302,738
              Total expenditures                          67,877,564            65,967,333            67,747,885              68,181,095              68,493,031

              Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures               (1,173,360)              4,936,539              5,173,970                7,657,171                   795,659
              Other Financing Sources (Uses)
                   Transfers in                             1,796,000              1,781,000              1,645,000                1,006,000                1,006,000
                   Transfers (out)                         (1,796,000)            (1,781,000)            (1,645,000)               (1,006,000)               (1,006,000)
                   Proceeds from sale of assets                       8,089                   17,121                   16,935                       2,686                     20,674
                   Capital lease transaction                               -                            -                            -                   918,391                               -
                   Software license obligation transaction                               -                            -                            -                               -                   340,880
                   Premium on debt issuance                                -                            -                            -                               -                     64,451
                   Sale of bonds                                           -                            -                            -                               -                               -
                   Payment to refunded debt escrow agent                               -                            -                            -                               -             (21,474,661)
                   Issuance of certificates of participation                               -                            -                            -                               -              18,725,000
              Total other financing sources (uses)                       8,089                   17,121                   16,935                   921,077               (2,323,656)
              Special item                                                 -                            -                            -                               -                               -
              Net change in fund balances     $           (1,165,271)  $          4,953,660  $          5,190,905  $            8,578,248  $           (1,527,997)
              Debt service as a percentage of noncapital
              expenditures                           2.82%        2.97%       3.52%         6.53%        6.13%
              Source: School District financial records.

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