Page 30 - Hudson City Schools CAFR 2017
P. 30

                                                  SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO

                                        MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS
                                         FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2017

                                                         Net Position

                                         Governmental Activities  Business-Type Activities        Total

                                              2017                 2016                 2017                2016                 2017                 2016
           Current assets              $   81,728,048  $   78,786,400  $   1,292,281  $   1,194,257  $   83,020,329  $   79,980,657
           Capital assets, net             57,059,076      56,989,719                     -                     -       57,059,076       56,989,719
           Total assets                  138,787,124    135,776,119      1,292,281      1,194,257    140,079,405     136,970,376

           Deferred outflows of resources
           Other amounts                      1,372,405         1,453,532                      -                      -         1,372,405         1,453,532
           Pensions                        19,263,885         8,662,704         285,733           93,297       19,549,618         8,756,001
           Total deferred
             outflows of resources         20,636,290      10,116,236         285,733           93,297       20,922,023       10,209,533
           Current liabilities                7,729,004         7,828,260          125,250          105,823         7,854,254         7,934,083
           Long-term liabilies:
             Due within one year              1,584,316         1,544,563              8,845              7,560         1,593,161         1,552,123
             Net pension liability        107,200,357       89,223,912       1,253,576          999,770     108,453,933       90,223,682
             Other amounts                 21,216,693      22,099,790           16,407           13,397       21,233,100       22,113,187
           Total liabilities             137,730,370    120,696,525      1,404,078      1,126,550    139,134,448     121,823,075

           Deferred inflows of resources
           Other amounts                    39,173,715       33,985,604                      -                      -       39,173,715       33,985,604
           Pensions                          2,243,672         7,101,983           27,137           46,108         2,270,809         7,148,091
           Total deferred
             inflows of resources          41,417,387      41,087,587           27,137           46,108       41,444,524       41,133,695

           Net Position
           Net investment in capital assets       40,576,526       39,524,689                      -                      -       40,576,526       39,524,689
           Restricted                         1,694,486         2,167,394                      -                      -         1,694,486         2,167,394
           Unrestricted                   (61,995,355)    (57,583,840)        146,799         114,896     (61,848,556)     (57,468,944)

           Total net position          $ (19,724,343) $ (15,891,757) $     146,799  $     114,896  $ (19,577,544) $  (15,776,861)

               The District has adopted GASB Statement 68, “Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pensions—an Amendment of
               GASB Statement 27,” which significantly revises accounting for pension costs and liabilities.  For reasons discussed
               below, many end users of this financial statement will gain a clearer understanding of the District’s actual financial
               condition by adding deferred inflows related to pension and the net pension liability to the reported net position and
               subtracting deferred outflows related to pension.

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