Page 34 - Hudson City Schools CAFR 2017
P. 34

                                                  SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO

                                        MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS
                                         FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2017

               Governmental Activities

               Net position of the District’s governmental activities decreased $3,832,586 due to an increase in expenses combined with
               a decrease in revenues.

               Total revenues for governmental activities decreased $4,118,353 or 5.82%.  The primary sources of revenue for
               governmental activities are derived from property taxes and unrestricted grants and entitlements. These two revenue
               sources represent 84.80% of total governmental revenue.  Grants and entitlements reported as general revenues consist
               primarily of the unrestricted portion of the District’s State Foundation revenue.  The decrease in property taxes revenue is
               mostly due to fluctuations in the amount of tax collected and available for advance at fiscal year-end by the Summit
               County Fiscal Officer.  Tax advances available to the District are recorded as revenue under GAAP.  The amount of tax
               advances available at June 30, 2017 and 2016 was approximately $5.0 million and $9.2 million, respectively.  This
               amount can vary depending upon when the County Fiscal Officer distributes tax bills.

               The overall increase in governmental activities expenses was $4,936,614 or 7.53%.  This increase is primarily a result of
               increased pension expense for the District due to the overall increase in net pension liability reported by the School
               Employees Retirement System and the State Teachers Retirement System.  Employee wages and benefits expenses also
               increased slightly in accordance with the District’s latest negotiated agreements with the unions. The largest expense of
               the District is for instructional programs.  Instruction expenses totaled $41,947,338 or 59.53% of total governmental
               expenses for fiscal year 2017.

               The following graph presents the District’s governmental activities revenues and expenses for fiscal years 2017 and

                                           Governmental Activities - Revenues and Expenses

                                   $70,461,481                                 $70,747,248
                                                 $66,628,895                                       Revenues
                      $64,000,000                                $65,524,867
                                            2017                          2016

               The statement of activities shows the cost of program services and the charges for services and grants offsetting those
               services.  The following table shows, for governmental activities, the total cost of services and the net cost of services for
               2017 and 2016.  That is, it identifies the cost of these services supported by taxes revenue and unrestricted grants and

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