Page 38 - Hudson City Schools CAFR 2017
P. 38

                                                  SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO

                                        MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS
                                         FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2017

               Capital Assets and Debt Administration

               Capital Assets

               At the end of fiscal year 2017, the District had $57,059,076 invested in land, land improvements, buildings and
               improvements, furniture and equipment, vehicles and computer software.  This entire amount is reported in governmental

               The following table shows fiscal year 2017 balances compared to 2016:

                                                    Capital Assets at June 30
                                                     (Net of Depreciation)

                                                                      Governmental Activities
                                                                      2017             2016

                               Land                           $         1,032,204  $         1,032,204
                               Land improvements                         4,482,595             4,568,776
                               Building and improvements               46,896,497           46,598,621
                               Furniture and equipment                   3,191,443             3,478,148
                               Vehicles                                  1,431,092             1,280,307
                               Computer software                             25,245                  31,663
                               Total                          $      57,059,076  $       56,989,719

               The overall increase in capital assets is a result of acquisitions of $2,431,875 exceeding depreciation expense of
               $2,345,059 and net disposals of $17,459. Most of the capital asset acquisitions in 2017 were for various building
               improvement projects, including $1.6 million in renovations at the East Woods Elementary school. The District also
               purchased four new school buses and two pickup trucks during the year to replace older vehicles.

               The following graphs show the breakdown of governmental activities capital assets by category for 2017 and 2016.
                        Capital Assets - Governmental Activities    Capital Assets - Governmental Activities
                                      2017                                         2016

                                           Computer                                    Computer
                               Vehicles    software   Furniture and         Vehicles    software   Furniture and
                                3%           0%        equipment             2%          0%         equipment
                                                         6%                                           6%

                                                       Land                                         Land
                                                        2%                                          2%

                   Building &                                  Building &
                     Imp.                                        Imp.
                     81%                              Land Imp.  82%                               Land Imp.
                                                        8%                                           8%

               See Note 7 in the notes to the basic financial statements for more information on the District’s capital assets.
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