Page 32 - Hudson City Schools CAFR 2017
P. 32

                                                  SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO

                                        MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS
                                         FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2017

               Other significant changes include:

                  An increase in current assets  of  $3,039,672  (3.8%).  This is primarily the result of an increase in cash and
                   investments as the District’s cash receipts exceeded cash disbursements during the year.

                  An increase in deferred inflows of resources - other amounts of $5,188,111 (15.3%). This is due to a lesser amount
                   of property taxes available to the District as an advance at the close of fiscal year 2017, resulting in a higher amount
                   of property taxes receivable which were levied to finance fiscal year 2018.

               A portion of the District’s net position, or $1,694,486, represents resources that are subject to external restriction on how
               they may be used.  The net investment in capital assets makes up another $40,576,526. The remaining unrestricted
               portion of the District’s net position is a deficit of $61,848,556.

               The graphs below present the District’s governmental and business-type assets, deferred outflows of resources, liabilities,
               deferred inflows of resources and net position at June 30, 2017 and June 30, 2016.
                                                     Governmental Activities

                   $200,000,000             $179,147,757
                   $100,000,000                             $145,892,355          Net Position
                                                                                  Assets and Deferred Outflows
                    $50,000,000                       $(15,891,757)
                               $(19,724,343)                                      Liabilities and Deferred Inflows
                                       2017                   2016

                                                     Business-Type Activities
                    $1,400,000                                      $1,172,658
                    $1,200,000              $1,431,215
                    $1,000,000                                                    Net Position
                     $800,000                                                     Assets and Deferred Outflows
                                                       $114,896                   Liabilities and Deferred Inflows
                                      2017                    2016

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