Page 62 - Hudson City Schools CAFR 2017
P. 62

                                                  SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO

                                        NOTES TO THE BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                         FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2017


                          Lapsing of Appropriations:

                          Unencumbered appropriations lapse at year end.  Encumbered appropriations are carried forward to the
                          succeeding fiscal year and need not be reappropriated.  Expenditures may not legally exceed budgeted
                          appropriations at the fund level.

                       F. Cash and Investments

                          To improve cash management, cash received  by the  District  is pooled into  central bank accounts.
                          Monies for all funds, including proprietary and fiduciary funds, are maintained in this pool.  Individual
                          fund integrity is maintained through the District’s records.  Each fund’s interest in the pool is presented
                          as “equity in pooled cash and investments” on the basic financial statements.

                          During fiscal year 2017, investments were limited to overnight repurchase agreements, non-negotiable
                          certificates of  deposit and investments in the State Treasury  Asset Reserve of Ohio  (STAR Ohio).
                          Except for nonparticipating investment contracts, investments are reported at fair value, which is based
                          on quoted market prices.  Nonparticipating investment contracts, such as repurchase agreements and
                          non-negotiable certificates of deposit, are reported at cost. The District’s investment in STAR Ohio is
                          an investment pool managed  by the  State Treasurer’s  Office  which allows governments within the
                          State to pool their funds for investment purposes.  STAR Ohio is not registered with the SEC as an
                          investment company and is recognized as an external investment pool by the District.  The District
                          measures their investment in STAR Ohio at the net asset value (NAV) per share provided by STAR
                          Ohio.  The NAV per share is calculated on an amortized cost basis that provides a NAV per share that
                          approximates fair value.

                          For fiscal year 2017, there were no limitations or restrictions on any participant withdrawals due to
                          redemption notice periods, liquidity fees, or redemption gates. However, notice must be given 24 hours
                          in advance of all deposits and withdrawals exceeding $25 million. STAR Ohio reserves the right to
                          limit the transaction to  $50 million, requiring the excess amount to  be transacted  the following
                          business day(s), but only to the $50 million limit. All accounts of the participant will be combined for
                          these purposes.

                          Under existing Ohio statutes all investment earnings are assigned to the general fund unless statutorily
                          required to be credited to a specific fund or the Board of Education has, by resolution, specified the
                          funds to receive an allocation of interest earnings.  Interest revenue credited to the general fund during
                          fiscal year 2017 amounted to $303,765, which includes $47,370 assigned from other District funds.

                          For purposes of the statement of cash flows and  for presentation  on  the basic financial  statements,
                          investments purchased by the cash management pool and investments with original maturities of three
                          months or less at the time they are purchased by the District are considered to be cash equivalents.
                          Investments with an initial maturity of more than three months are reported as investments.

                          An analysis of the District’s investment account at fiscal year end is provided in Note 3.

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