Page 92 - Hudson City Schools CAFR 2017
P. 92

                                                  SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO

                                        NOTES TO THE BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                         FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2017

               NOTE 15 - SET-ASIDES - (Continued)


                       Set-aside balance June 30, 2016              $                    -
                       Current year set-aside requirement                     780,276
                       Current year offsets                               (1,384,892)

                       Total                                        $       (604,616)
                       Balance carried forward to fiscal year 2018  $                    -

                       Set-aside balance June 30, 2017              $                    -


                       While reporting financial position, results of  operations, and changes  in fund  balance on the basis of
                       generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), the budgetary basis as provided by law is based upon
                       accounting for certain transactions on a basis of cash receipts and disbursements.

                       The statement of revenue, expenditures and changes  in  fund  balance  - budget and actual (non-GAAP
                       budgetary basis) presented for the general fund is presented on the budgetary basis to provide a meaningful
                       comparison  of actual results with the  budget.   The major  differences  between the budget  basis and the
                       GAAP basis are that:

                       (a)  Revenues and other financing sources are recorded when received in cash (budget basis) as opposed to
                          when susceptible to accrual (GAAP basis);

                       (b)  Expenditures and other financing uses are recorded when paid in cash (budget basis) as opposed to
                          when the liability is incurred (GAAP basis);

                       (c)  In  order to  determine compliance with  Ohio law,  and to reserve that  portion of the applicable
                          appropriation,  total outstanding encumbrances (budget  basis) are  recorded as the equivalent of an
                          expenditure, as opposed to  assigned  or committed fund  balance for that portion  of outstanding
                          encumbrances not already recognized as an account payable (GAAP basis); and,

                       (d)  Some funds are included in the general fund (GAAP basis), but have separate legally adopted budgets
                          (budget basis).

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