Page 93 - Hudson City Schools CAFR 2017
P. 93

                                                  SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO

                                        NOTES TO THE BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                         FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2017

               NOTE 16 - BUDGETARY BASIS OF ACCOUNTING - (Continued)

                       The adjustments necessary to convert the results of operations for the year on the budget basis to the GAAP
                       basis for the general fund is as follows:

                                                      Net Change in Fund Balance

                                                                                                 General fund
                       Budget basis                                                             $    2,457,473
                       Net adjustment for revenue accruals                                           (4,017,319)
                       Net adjustment for expenditure accruals                                              (7,689)
                       Net adjustment for other sources/uses                                              (64,715)
                       Funds budgeted elsewhere                                                          121,975
                       Adjustment for encumbrances                                                       771,206
                       GAAP basis                                                               $      (739,069)

                       Certain funds that are legally budgeted in separate special revenue funds are considered part of the general
                       fund on a GAAP basis. This includes the rotary fund, public school support fund and special trust fund.


                       In 2004, the City of Hudson and the District entered into a cooperative agreement to dedicate 13.5 percent
                       of the  revenues that are collected annually from an additional 1  percent municipal income tax levy to
                       provide for the acquisition, construction, equipping,  furnishing, financing, and the operation  and
                       maintenance of Community Learning Centers.  The District is considered the owner of the improvements to
                       the Community Learning Centers.  The agreement shall remain for so long as a portion of the municipal
                       income tax is being levied for the purpose of providing dedicated tax revenues, or for such time as debt
                       issued to finance costs associated with the Community Learning Centers is outstanding, whichever period
                       ends later.

                       The City of Hudson shall make payments to the District in an amount sufficient to enable the District to
                       make timely debt service payments on the Certificates of Participation that were issued by the District to
                       finance improvement costs associated with the Community Learning Centers.  The City of Hudson shall
                       also make payments to the District in which the funds will be applied to pay costs of improvements to the
                       Community Learning Centers, as detailed in the agreement.  The District received $1,403,079 from the City
                       of Hudson during fiscal year 2017 as a result of this agreement.  This revenue is reported in the building
                       fund and debt service fund, both of which are nonmajor governmental funds.

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