Page 39 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2018-19
P. 39


        9  Grade:                10  Grade:
        Art 1                    Art 1
        Ceramics                 Ceramics                         CERAMICS
        Advanced Ceramics        Advanced Ceramics                (1 semester, ½ credit, Grades 9-12)
        Mixed Media w/           Mixed Media w/ Drawing
                                                                  In  Creative  Ceramics  (1  semester  class),  students
          Drawing & Design         & Design
        Creative Crafts          Creative Crafts                  will  learn  basic  skills  and  technical  knowledge  of
                                                                  traditional hand building methods: Pinch form, Coil,
        Creative Painting        Advanced Drawing
                                                                  Slab  construction,  basic  throwing  skills  on  the
        Digital Photo 1          Creative Painting
                                                                  pottery  wheel,  and  will  use  various  methods  of
        Digital Photo 2          Advanced Painting
                                                                  decorating  and  glazing  while  assessing  ceramic
                                 Digital Photo 1
                                                                  form  and  design  through  cultural  and  historical
                                 Digital Photo 2
                                 Advanced Digital Photo           connections.    Students    are    expected     to
                                                                  demonstrate  growth  in  problem  solving,  and
        11  Grade:               12  Grade:
        Art 1                    Art 1                            controlling the properties of clay to develop forms,
                                                                  strengthening  artistic  expression  and  critical
        Ceramics                 Ceramics
        Advanced Ceramics        Advanced Ceramics                thinking. Both historical and contemporary trends
                                                                  in ceramics are studied through research and in –
        Mixed Media w/           Mixed Media w/ Drawing
                                                                  class  presentations.  Students  are  expected  to
          Drawing & Design         & Design
        Creative Crafts          Creative Crafts                  express  themselves  through  visual,  verbal  and
                                                                  written  formats.  Students  may  need  to  purchase
        Advanced Drawing         Advanced Drawing
                                                                  additional  items  for  projects  that  go  beyond  the
        Creative Painting        Creative Painting
        Advanced Painting        Advanced Painting                course requirements.

        Digital Photo 1          Digital Photo 1                  Lab Fee: $35.00
        Digital Photo 2          Digital Photo 2                  Prerequisite: “B-” average or better in Art 1
        Advanced Digital Photo  Advanced Digital Photo
        Advanced Art             Advanced Art
                                 AP Studio Art                    ADVANCED CERAMICS
        ½ Credit of Fine Arts is required for graduation!         (1 semester, ½ credit, Grades 9-12)
        (Graphics 1, 2 & Advanced also meet requirement)
                                                                  Advanced  Ceramics  is  designed  for  students  who

        ART 1                                                     have  completed  Ceramics  1  and  want  to  perfect
                                                                  and  refine  their  abilities  in  ceramics.  The
        (1 semester, ½ credit, Grades 9-12)                       wheelwork is more rigorous and more challenging

        Art I is an elective subject available to all students.   assignments  are  given.  New  techniques  on  the
                                                                  wheel  and  hand  building  will  be  introduced  and
        The  class  meets  every  day  for  ½  year,  and  for
                                                                  applied, along with new glazing techniques.
        successful  completion  of  the  requirements,

        students  receive  ½  credit.  Throughout  the            Course fee: $40
        semester, the beginning student is introduced to a        Prerequisite: Ceramics
        sampling of two and three-dimensional media. The
        lab fee for the course includes the cost of the basic
        materials and supplies needed.

        Lab Fee: $22.00
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