Page 43 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2018-19
P. 43


                     BUSINESS EDUCATION                           summarized  for  the  preparation  of  general-
        9  Grade:                 10  Grade:                      purpose     financial   statements—the       same
        Digital Marketing         Digital Marketing               statements  that  large  corporations  use  to  report
        Accounting Principles     Accounting Principles           financial  ratios,  component  percentages,  and
                                                                  stockholders’  equity.    In  addition,  students
        11  Grade:                12  Grade:                      complete a simulation and are also presented with
        Digital Marketing         Digital Marketing
                                                                  instructional activities that reinforce mathematical
        Entrepreneurship          Entrepreneurship
                                                                  and critical thinking skills.
        Accounting Principles     Accounting Principles
                                                                  Workbook required. Simulation provided
                      COMPUTER SCIENCE

                  ½ credit required for graduation
        9  Grade:                 10  Grade:                      DIGITAL MARKETING –  (FORMERLY  BUSINESS
        Integrated Computer       Integrated Computer             ESSENTIALS)
           Applications              Applications
                                                                  (1 semester, ½ credit, Grades 9-12)
        Computer Science 1        Computer Science1               Prerequisite: None
                                  AP Computer Science
                                     Principles                   In this project-based business course, students will
                                  AP Computer Science A           discover  how  to  market  a  product  or  service  in
        11  Grade:                12  Grade:                      today's  fast-paced  business  world.  Technology-
        Integrated Computer       Integrated Computer             based activities revolving around digital marketing
            Applications             Applications                 will introduce students to the effects and benefits
        Computer Science 1        Computer Science 1              of  online  advertising,  email  marketing,  websites,
        AP Computer Science       AP Computer Science             social  media,  and  mobile  marketing.  Leadership,
            Principles               Principles                   communications,  and  current  technology  will  be
        AP Computer Science A     AP Computer Science A           used in classroom activities to foster interpersonal
                                                                  skills, critical thinking, a realistic understanding of
                                                                  the  business  environment  and  an  appreciation  of
                                                                  business ethics.
        (1 semester, ½ credit, Grades 9-12)
                                                                  Recommended prerequisite: Integrated Computer
        Prerequisite: None                                        Applications.

        Accounting  is  the  Language  of  Business!
        Accounting  Principles  provides  an  excellent           ENTREPRENEURSHIP
        background  not  only  for  college  accounting  but
                                                                  New CCP course for 2017-18 (Kent State)
        also  provides  a  solid  foundation  for  any  business
                                                                  (1 semester, ½ HS credit, 3 college credits – Grades
        career.    The  concepts  of  assets,  liabilities,  and   11-12)
        owner’s  equity  are  studied  in  depth.  Students
                                                                  Prerequisite: None
        reinforce  their  understanding  of  accounting
        procedures by working through realistic accounting        Entrepreneurship  is  designed  to  help  students
        cycles   for   a   sole   proprietorship   and   a        understand  the  entrepreneurial  process,  from
        merchandising business organized as a corporation.        conception to the birth of a new venture. Emphasis
        Business  transactions  are  analyzed,  recorded, and     is  placed  on  developing  an  entrepreneurial  spirit

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