Page 47 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2018-19
P. 47

HONORS ENGLISH 9                                          Course  fees  include  a  $30.00  lab  fee,  as  well  as
                                                                  $20.00 for travel expenses.
        (Full year, 1 credit)
                                                                  Students  will  purchase  paperbacks  not  to  exceed
        Honors  English  9  is  an  advanced  course  designed    $35.00.
        for  highly  motivated  students  who  have  strong
        writing skills and an interest in an in-depth study of
        literature.  Special emphasis is placed on analyzing      ENGLISH 10
        fiction  and  non-fiction,  as  well  as  oral            (Full year, 1 credit)
        communication,  developing  writing  and  research
                                                                  The tenth grade English course involves the study
        skills,  and  expanding  vocabulary.  This  course  is    of  selected  world  literature.  Stressing  the
        preparation for Honors English 10.
                                                                  importance  of  language  proficiency,  the  course
        Summer  reading  and  writing  are  required.             advances  students  in  grammar  and  complex
        Movement  to  a  regular  English  9  class  MAY  NOT     sentence  forms,  syntax,  levels  of  usage  and
        occur until the end of the first quarter.                 vocabulary enrichment.  Writing includes narrative,
                                                                  literary  analysis,  and  an  intensive  research  paper
        Fee:    Student  will  purchase  paperbacks  not  to
                                                                  unit.    Major  works  include  Julius  Caesar  or  Much
        exceed $35.00.
                                                                  Ado About Nothing, All Quiet on the Western Front

                                                                  and a choice-novel unit. Students also study units
        H2BE: Honors Biology & Honors English                     of short story, poetry, and non-fiction.

        (Full year, 2 honors level credits: 1 Honors Biology,     Fee:    Student  will  purchase  paperbacks  not  to
        1 Honors English, Grade 9)                                exceed $35.00.
        Prerequisite:  Evaluation  of  student  application,
                                                                  HONORS ENGLISH 10
        This co-taught Honors Biology and Honors English 9
                                                                  (Full year, 1 credit)
        is  a  research-based  course  focusing  on  critical
                                                                  Prerequisite:  A  consistent  “B+”  average  in  English
        thinking  and  application.  The  course  integrates
        biological  concepts  (cells,  genetics,  ecology,        9/Honors  9  and  a  recommendation  from  the
                                                                  English 9 team are strongly recommended.
        evolution, and related ethical issues) with literature

        that  complements  these  topics  and  meets  state       Focusing  chiefly  on  writers  from  countries  other
        standards.  Students  will  read  a  variety  of  works,   than America, this advanced course consists of an
        including  poetry,  plays,  and  nonfiction,  to  learn   in-depth  study  of  literature  and  composition,
        about biological issues while using these sources as      including  formal  research.  While  writing  and
        a springboard for discussion. For example, students       reading are emphasized, the course is designed to
        could create proposals offering solutions for some        also include speaking and study skills. Major works
        of  today’s  most  compelling  scientific  dilemmas.      have  included  All  Quiet  on  the  Western  Front;  A
        Reading selections include, but are not limited to,       Separate  Peace;  Strength  in  What  Remains;  Julius
        Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck,  The Hour of           Caesar;  and/or  A  Tale  of  Two  Cities;  Cry,  the
        Land  by  Terry  Tempest  Williams,  selections  from     Beloved Country, and assorted poems, short stories
        Botany of Desire by Michael Pollan, selections from       and films.
        Walden  by  H.D.  Thoreau,  and  others.  The  course
        will  include  an  outdoor  component,  utilizing         Summer  reading  and  writing  are  required.
                                                                  Movement to a regular English 10 class MAY NOT
        Hudson  High  School’s  land  lab  and  nearby  parks,
        and culminate in a backpacking trip in the spring,        occur until the end of the first quarter.

        with a possible overnight in the fall.                    Fee:    Student  will  purchase  paperbacks  not  to
                                                                  exceed $35.00.
        Summer reading and writing are required.

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