Page 49 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2018-19
P. 49

Summer  reading  and  writing  are  required.                  Ability  to  identify,  evaluate,  and  use
        Movement  to  a  regular  English  11/12  class  MAY             information  appropriate  for  scholarly
        NOT  occur  until  the  end  of  the  first  quarter.            research
        Students enrolled in this class are required to take           Ability  to  take  advantage  of  the  curricular
        the AP in May.                                                   and  co-curricular  opportunities  in  an
        Fees:    AP  Exam,  $95;  Student  will  purchase                setting
        paperbacks not to exceed $75.00

                                                                  FDLA  20101:  WRITINGS  IN  WORLD
        WRLA  10101:  WRITINGS  IN  AMERICAN                      LITERATURE
                                                                  (Full  year,  1  HS  English  credit,  4  college  English
        CC+ course (Hiram)                                        credits, Grade 12)
        (Full  year,  1  HS  English  credit,  4  college  English
        credits, Grades 11-12)                                    A  seminar-based  course  designed  to  be  a
                                                                  comprehensive introduction to the skills needed to
        A  seminar-based  course  designed  to  be  a             thrive in any college program. The content of the
        comprehensive introduction to the skills needed to        course  will  focus  on  world  literature,  and  the
        thrive in any college program. The content of the         academic  purposes  are:  to  pay  close  attention  to
        course  will  focus  on  American  literature,  and  the   academic  writing,  to  analyze  and  discuss  relevant
        academic  purposes  are:  to  pay  close  attention  to   literature,  to  clearly  articulate  ideas  in  a  public
        academic writing, to analyze and discuss a relevant       forum,  to  promote  thinking  and  inquiry,  and  to
        literature,  to  clearly  articulate  ideas  in  a  public   equip  students  with  research  skills  that  permit
        forum,  to  promote  thinking  and  inquiry,  and  to     them  to  investigate  important  questions  and
        equip  students  with  research  skills  that  permit     hypotheses. Writings in World Literature does not
        them  to  investigate  important  questions  and          merely tell students about ideas. Rather, students
        hypotheses.  Writings  in  American  Literature  does     are  challenged  to  be  actively  engaged  in  thinking
        not  merely  tell  students  about  ideas.  Rather,       their  way  into  ideas  and  traditions,  students  are
        students are challenged to be actively engaged in         guided  in  developing  their  abilities  at  reasoned
        thinking  their  way  into  ideas  and  traditions,       critical reflection about those ideas and traditions,
        students are guided in developing their abilities at      and  students  are  guided  through  systematic
        reasoned  critical  reflection  about  those  ideas  and   systems of research and writing about those ideas
        traditions,  and  students  are  guided  through          and traditions.     Objectives include:
        systematic  systems  of  research  and  writing  about      Ability to read and interpret important material
        those ideas and traditions. Objectives include:             Ability to think critically
              Ability  to  read  and  interpret  important         Ability to write: students will write to learn
               material                                             Ability  to  communicate  orally:  students  will
              Ability to think critically                           speak,  participate  in  discussion,  and  present
              Ability to write: students will write to learn        ideas
              Ability to communicate orally: students will         Ability to identify, evaluate, and use information
               speak, participate in discussion, and present         appropriate for scholarly research
               ideas                                                Ability  to  take  advantage  of  the  curricular  and

                                                                     co-curricular  opportunities  in  an  academic

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