Page 53 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2018-19
P. 53

                                                                  Fee: Student will purchase paperbacks not to
         (Semester, .5 credit, Grade 10-12)                       exceed $35.00.

        To  all  the  fans  of  Walking  Dead  and  American
        Horror Story, or those who just appreciate a good         ELL-ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING
        scare, this class is for you.  This course will survey    (Full year, 0 credit, Grades 9-12)
        the  Horror  genre,  going  back  to  its  roots  and
                                                                  English  Language  Learning  is  a  tutorial  course
        spanning to today.  What scares us?  What makes           designed  for  the  student  with  limited  English
        for a good, scary story?  Find all this and more in
                                                                  proficiency.  Students  work  on  skills  that  are
        Horror.  Students will read a variety of horror genre
                                                                  essential  for  learning  new  language  and  culture.
        works,  study  different  authors’  styles,  and  write   The  main  purpose  of  this  full-year  course  is  to
        some analysis and creative writing pieces.
                                                                  increase  the  student’s  success  in  other  content
        Special  note:  Does  not  meet  NCAA  Clearinghouse      area classes. Students are identified based on need.

                                                 ASSISTANCE IN ENGLISH

          Writing Lab (next to the library in C202): The Writing Lab is open every period of the day, with additional
            times  before  and  after  school.    English  teachers  are  available  to  provide  assistance  and  resources  for
            students with writing in any academic area, as well as college essays.

          Academic Resource Center (room A106) ARC is staffed with volunteers during the school day and for after
            school tutoring every day except Friday.  Check with the ARC staff for times and availability of volunteers.

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