Page 51 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2018-19
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over  a  period  of  four  months  on  a  controversial   support the paper.  Some after-school time will be
        issue  of  his/her  choice.    Students  conduct  both    required   to   help   meet     deadlines   during
        primary and secondary research.                           productions periods.

        Students  are  required  to  attend  a  minimum  of
        three  cultural  events  per  quarter.    These  cultural   JOURNALISM 3 NEWSPAPER PRODUCTION
        events  consist  of  experiences  outside  of  Hudson
                                                                  (Full year, 1 credit, Grade 12)
        such  as  attending  plays  and  lectures  or  touring
                                                                  Prerequisite:  Newspaper Production
        museums.    The  culminating  cultural  event  is  a
        weeklong educational class trip to New York City.         These  seniors  learn  advanced  editing  and  page
        Students  who  wish  to  apply  for  New  Dimensions      design skills, serve as editors, and brainstorm ideas
        are evaluated first by the Hudson High School staff       to  write  and  publish  six  issues  of  The  Explorers
        members. Students are then evaluated by the New           newspaper,  in  conjunction  with  the  journalism  II
        Dimensions  team  and  are  selected  following  an       class.  Students are required to solicit advertising to
        interview.  The faculty feedback and interview help       support  the  paper.    Some  after-school  time  also
        determine  the  student’s  maturity,  integrity  and      will  be  required  to  help  meet  deadlines  during
        academic  curiosity  to  participate  in  a  challenging   production periods.
        discussion and research-based course.

        Fee:  Paperback books, not to exceed $30                  SCIENCE FICTION
        The student is responsible for the cost of the NYC
                                                                  (1 semester, ½ credit, Grades 10-12)
        trip (travel, hotel & meals).
                                                                  What  if  the  government  manufactured  people on
                                                                  assembly  lines  like  automobiles?    What  if  the
        JOURNALISM 1 NEWSPAPER PRODUCTION                         humans of the future split into two different races?

        (1 semester, ½ credit, Grade 10-12)                       What if the military genetically engineered genius
                                                                  children  to  fight  an  alien  race?    Science  fiction  is
        Students  learn  journalism  history,  law  and  ethics,
                                                                  the  speculative  genre  that  explores  limitless
        as  well  as  how  to  write  for  the  media.    Select   possibilities and is often based on current events.
        articles  will  be  considered  for  publication  in  The
                                                                  Major works include The Time Machine and Brave
        Explorer newspaper.
                                                                  New  World,  and  a  choice  novel  unit.    Writing
        Sophomores  and  juniors  successfully  completing        consists  of  literary  analysis,  a  short  story,  and
        Journalism  I  Newspaper  Production  would  be           various writing responses. So if you really want to
        eligible  to  take  Newspaper  Journalism  II             understand the ending of Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A
        Newspaper      Production     and/or     Broadcast        Space Odyssey, science fiction is the class for you.
        Journalism the following year.
                                                                  Fee:  Students  purchase  paperbacks  not  to  exceed


        (Full year, 1 credit, Grades 11-12)                       SENIOR LITERATURE
        Prerequisite:  Journalism 1 Newspaper Production
                                                                  (Semester, ½ credit, Grades 10-12)

        Junior  and  seniors  learn  editing  and  page  design   Are you someone who loves to read? Do you have
        skills,  serve  as  editors,  and  brainstorm  ideas  to
                                                                  a  book  (or  several)  you’ve  been  wanting  to  read
        write  and  publish  six  issues  of  The  Explorer       but  just  haven’t  had  the  time?   Then  Senior
        newspaper.    Students  will  learn  how  to  use  the    Literature  is  the  perfect  course  for  you.   This
        publishing  program,  Adobe  InDesign,  and  how  to
                                                                  semester course is designed to promote a love of
        design  paper  layouts  during  their  first  quarter.    reading, student voice, and student choice through
        Students  are  required  to  solicit  advertising  to

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