Page 44 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2018-19
P. 44

through  studying  the  attributes  of  successful        beginning  programming  course  with  an  emphasis
        entrepreneurs to learn how to turn an opportunity         on understanding the science of Computer Science.
        into  a  viable  business.  Students  will  engage  in    Topics  studied  include  the  history  of  computers,
        networking  opportunities  and  receive  mentorship       number system conversions and how the Internet
        guidance. This course is offered through Kent State       works. Students will program using the Visual Basic
        University’s  Marketing  and  Entrepreneurship            language     on    Windows-based       computers.
        department.  Students  meeting  the  college              Programming will involve problem solving, control
        requirements  and  successfully  completing  this         structures,  data  structures  and  logical  design.
        course  will  earn  both  college  and  high  school      Computer  and  programming  terminology  along
        credit.                                                   with  industry  programming  practices  will  be
                                                                  emphasized.    This  course  is  a  recommended
        Recommended  prerequisite:  Integrated  Computer          prerequisite for AP Computer Science A.

                                                                  AP COMPUTER SCIENCE PRINCIPLES
                                                                   (Full year, 1 AP credit, Grades 10-12)
        (1 semester, ½ credit, Grades 9-12)                       Prerequisite: Algebra II Previously or Concurrently
        Prerequisite: None
                                                                  This  course  meets  the  ½  credit  computer
        This  course  meets  the  ½  credit  computer
        This  course  meets  the  State  of  Ohio  Financial      This  course  will  follow  the  AP  Computer  Science
        Literacy requirement.                                     Principles  curriculum  as  defined  by  the  College
                                                                  Board. AP Computer Science Principles is a unique
        The  design  of  Integrated  Computer  Applications
        will  emphasize  utilizing  application  programs  for    course  that  introduces  students  to  the  central
                                                                  ideas  of  computer  science  through  a  very  broad
        maximum  efficiency.  Students  will  explore  the
                                                                  curriculum.  This  course  accentuates  the  concepts
        Windows operating system and develop a working
        knowledge  of  word  processing,  spreadsheet,            and computational thinking practices central to the
                                                                  discipline  of  computer  science.  It  is  a  rigorous
        publication and presentation software. The Google
                                                                  course   that    promotes    deep    learning   of
        Apps  for  Education  environment  will  also  be
        utilized to design and build an e-portfolio web site.     computational  content,  developing  analysis  and
                                                                  collaboration  skills  while  encouraging  students  to
        In addition this course will cover every day financial
                                                                  think  creatively.  Students  will  consider  the  vital
        decisions including banking, credit cards, insurance,
        investing  and  general  economic  concepts.  This        impact advances in computing have on people and
                                                                  society.  Students  will  investigate  7  big  ideas,  a
        course  meets  the  ½  credit  Computer  Science
        requirement as well as the Ohio Financial Literacy        portion  of  which  is  coding,  which  provide  a
                                                                  pathway  for  becoming  a  well-educated  and
                                                                  informed  citizen  who  understands  how  computer

                                                                  science impacts people and society.
                                                                  Fees: The fee for this required exam is $95
        (1 semester, ½ credit, Grades 9-12)
        Prerequisite: Algebra I
        This  course  meets  the  ½  credit  computer              AP COMPUTER SCIENCE A
        requirement                                               (Full year, 1 AP credit, Grades 10-12)
                                                                  Prerequisite:  Computer Science 1 and Algebra II
        This course is a must for students interested in how
        computers  work!  This  course  is  very  helpful  for    This  course  meets  the  ½  credit  computer
        students  majoring  in  Computer  Science  or

        Engineering  in  college.  Computer  Science  I  is  a
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