Page 83 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2018-19
P. 83

This course is designed for the serious student who       Prerequisite: Received passing grade of B or higher
        may be thinking about a particular graphic arts field     in Industrial Design 1
        as a career.  The course is set up to run as a small
                                                                  In this course, students will  create visual art with
        business.  The  department  will  accept  orders  for
        poster designs, t-shirts, business cards, brochures,      more magnitude by using their previously learned
                                                                  skills in Industrial Design 1, compiled with the new
        etc. The students are responsible for meeting with
                                                                  techniques,  software,  and  machines  used  in
        the  client  and  taking  notes  on  the  design.  The
        students then work up a design proposal including         Industrial Design 2.  Students will learn to use a 3D
                                                                  modeling program to design and then create free
        printing  costs.  The  students  are  responsible  for
                                                                  form projects on the lathe. These creations will be
        completing the job and collecting the money from
                                                                  incorporated  into  a  woods  based  project.    Other
        the  client.    The  course  is  developed  around  each
                                                                  advanced  pieces  will  also  be  created  such  as
        individual  student  allowing  a  concentration  in  a
        particular area(s). The students will have the ability    lithophanes, intarsia, and sculpting.

        to  modify  course  requirements  to  meet  his/her       Lab Fee $45.00
        individual needs.

        Note: Students may take course more than once. A          ADVANCED WOODS TECHNOLOGY
        specialized  curriculum  will  be  developed  in           (1 semester, ½ credit, Grades 10-12)
        coordination  with  the  student  for  students  that
        repeat the course.                                        This course is a continuation of Industrial Design 1
                                                                  and 2. This class will focus on the students’ creative
        Prerequisite: Completion of Graphic Arts 2
                                                                  woodworking  skills.    The  student  is  expected  to
        Lab Fee: $30                                              select or design a challenging project.  The project

                                                                  must demonstrate the student’s skills and explore
        INDUSTRIAL DESIGN 1                                       his/her artistic nature. The student is expected to
                                                                  research  and  perform  tool  setup  and  new
        (1 semester, .5 credit)
                                                                  woodworking techniques, along with creating their
        Meets Fine Art Requirement
                                                                  own  evaluation  method  approved  by  the
        Industrial Design is a graphics based course where        instructor.  This  course  will  also  explore  modern
        students  will  use  various  types  of  software,  in    woodworking  techniques  such  as  Green  turning,
        conjunction  with  wood  working  techniques,  to         steam bending, and computerized machining
        design and create visual art.  Students will create
                                                                  Prerequisite:    Must  receive  an  “A”  or  “B”  in
        stand-alone  art  forms  and  enhance  projects  with     Woods I and II or Industrial Design 1 and 2, or by
        Marquetry,  Pyrography,  and  CarveWright  CNC
                                                                  instructor’s permission.
        techniques.  Students  will  also  learn  basic
        woodworking  skills     that  will  include  the          Lab Fee:  $45.00 Per Semester  (Lab fee covers all
        dimensioning  process,  joinery  and  machine             course required lumber. Any additional lumber will
        application. Students will be required to take safety     require student to purchase separately.)
        tests  on  the  various  power  tools  prior  to
        constructing  projects.    This  is  a  hands  on  course
        and all grade and skill levels are welcome.

        Lab Fee $45.00


        (1 semester, .5 credit)

        Meets Fine Art Requirement
   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88