Page 82 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2018-19
P. 82


        9 Grade:                    10  Grade:
                                                                  the principles and elements of design. The students
        Graphic Arts 1              Graphic Arts 1
                                                                  will  apply  their  knowledge  of  digital  imaging  and
        Graphic Arts 2              Graphic Arts 2                design  principles  by  creating  and  editing  various
        Industrial Design 1         Advanced Graphic Arts
                                                                  designs  on  the  computer.  The  students  will
        Industrial Design 2         Industrial Design 1
                                                                  complete  lab  projects  in  each  of  the  following
        Engineering Drawing 1       Industrial Design 2           areas:  computer  design  using  PhotoShop,  screen-
        Engineering Drawing 2       Advanced Woods
        Digital Video Production 1     Technology                 printing,  airbrush,  and  digital  video.  The  class  is
                                                                  primarily  “hands-on”  in  a  laboratory  setting,  but
        Advanced Digital Video      Engineering Drawing 1         the  students  are  required  to  pass  certain  tests
           Production               Engineering Drawing 2
                                                                  before working in the lab.
        Motion Graphics - After     Digital Video Production 1
           Effects                  Advanced Digital Video        Prerequisite: None
                                       Production                 Lab Fee: $30
                                    Motion Graphics - After
                                                                  GRAPHIC ARTS II
        11  Grade:                  12  Grade:                    (1 semester, ½ credit, meets HHS fine art
        Graphic Arts 1              Graphic Arts 1                requirement, Grades 9-12)
        Graphic Arts 2              Graphic Arts 2
                                                                  The  Graphic  Arts  II  course  will  expand  on  the
        Advanced Graphic Arts       Advanced Graphic Arts
                                                                  knowledge gained in Graphics Arts I.  The students
        Industrial Design 1         Industrial Design 1
                                                                  will further their knowledge in digital imaging and
        Industrial Design 2         Industrial Design 2           computer design. Students will also learn to create
        Advanced Woods              Advanced Woods
                                                                  computer illustrations using Adobe Illustrator. The
           Technology                  Technology
        Engineering Drawing 1       Engineering Drawing 1         students  will  complete  advanced  projects  in  the
                                                                  following  areas:    Computer  Design  using
        Engineering Drawing 2       Engineering Drawing 2
                                                                  PhotoShop     and    Illustrator,   screen-printing,
        Digital Video Production 1  Digital Video Production 1
        Advanced Digital Video      Advanced Digital Video        airbrush,  and  digital  video.    Students  will  also  be
                                                                  given a choice as to which areas they would like to
          Production                   Production
                                                                  concentrate  their  studies.  The  class  is  primarily
        Motion Graphics - After     Motion Graphics - After
           Effects                     Effects                    “hands-on”  in  a  laboratory  setting,  but  the
                                                                  students are required to pass certain tests before

                                                                  working in the lab.

        GRAPHICS ARTS I                                           Prerequisite: Completion of Graphic Arts 1
                                                                  Lab Fee: $30
        (1  semester,  ½  credit,  meets  HHS  fine  art

        requirement, Grades 9-12)
                                                                  ADVANCED GRAPHICS
        The Graphic Arts I course serves as an introduction
        to the various fields of graphic arts.  Students will     (1  semester,  ½  credit,  meets  HHS  fine  arts
        learn the fundamentals of digital imaging including       requirement, Grades 10-12)
        raster and vector images and the various file types
        associated with each. The students will also learn

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