Page 77 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2018-19
P. 77

No longer a “for credit” class; however, Internship
                                                                  opportunities    exist   through    the    science
                                                                  department or through the Credit Flex option.


        9  Grade:                 10  Grade:                      WORLD HISTORY
        U.S. History              World History
        Honors U.S. History       Honors World History            (Full year, 1 credit, Grade 10)

        AP U.S. History           AP U.S. History                 Students  enrolled  concentrate  on  the  period  of
        AP European History       AP European History
                                  United States Military          global  history  from  17th  century  to  the  present.
                                    History                       The  course  focuses  on  the  impact  of  the
                                  Ancient Western                 democratic and industrial revolutions, how Europe
                                    Civilizations                 became  dominant  on  the  world  stage,  the  wars
        11  Grade:                12  Grade:                      that  changed  empires  and  the  ideas  that  led  to
        Social Psychology         Social Psychology               independence  movements  throughout  the  world.
        Sociology                 Sociology                       In  addition  to  this  western  focus,  the  course  will
        Eastern Civilizations     Eastern Civilizations           examine non-western societies, including those in
        AP U. S. History          U. S. Government                Central and South America, Africa and Asia. Current
        AP European History       AP European History             events are used as a bridge between the students’
        AP Psychology             AP Psychology                   world and the past.
        U. S. Government          AP U. S. Government
        AP U. S. Government       Service Learning
        AP Economics (Micro   &   New Dimensions                  HONORS WORLD HISTORY
          Macro)                  AP Economics (Micro &
                                                                  (Full year, 1 credit, Grade 10)
        Examining Race: An         Macro)

          American Study          Examining Race: An              Honors  World  History  will  concentrate  on  the
        United States Military     American Study                 period  of  history  from  the  17   century  to  the
          History                 United States Military
        Ancient Western            History                        present.    Through  extensive  chronological
          Civilizations           Ancient Western                 coverage,  students  will  develop  skills  in  primary
        Criminology                Civilizations                  source analysis, interpretive historical reading and
                                  Criminology                     essay  writing.      It  is  recommended  that  the
                                                                  sophomores  who  take  this  course  be  highly
        U.S. HISTORY                                              motivated and interested in studying world history
                                                                  in depth.  Students should plan to continue in the
        (Full year, 1 credit, Grade 9)                            honors and advanced placement course sequence.

        U. S. History emphasizes the development of the U.
        S. from 1877 to the present.  Students investigate
        the  effects  of  modernization  on  the  political       HONORS U.S. HISTORY
        process.   The  social  history  of  20   Century         (Full year, 1 credit, Grade 9)
        America, World War II, the Cold War, Vietnam and
                                                                  Honors  U.S.  History  concentrates  on  the  social,
        the  post-communist  world  and  its  challenges          political,  cultural,  and  economic  development  of
        complete the course of study.
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