Page 74 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2018-19
P. 74

including  descriptions  of  chemical  bonding,  the
        Survey  of  Organic  studies  the  fundamental
                                                                  significance  and  quantitative  analysis  of  chemical
        concepts  of  nomenclature,  formulae,  preparation       thermodynamics,  chemical  kinetics  including
        and  properties  of  organic  compounds.  Modern
                                                                  reaction rate expressions, properties of gases and
        electronic  and  molecular  orbital  theories  are
                                                                  solutions,  descriptions  of  acidity  and  basicity,
        introduced.  Laboratory  experiments  illustrate
                                                                  chemical equilibria, and the chemistry of oxidation
        properties and preparation of organic compounds.
                                                                  and reduction processes.
        Survey  of  Organic  Chemistry  is  taught  using  a

        descriptive,  non-mathematical,  non-mechanistic          Lab  Fees:  Students  are  expected  to  purchase
        approach. The student entering this course should
                                                                  apron,  nitrile  gloves,  goggles  and  laboratory
        have  a  strong  background  in  atomic  structure,       notebook.
        chemical bonding and chemical forces, as well as in

        chemical equations and stoichiometry. The study of
        the  most  important  groups  of  carbon-containing       ANATOMY/PHYSIOLOGY
        compounds  (alcohols,  alkyl  halides,  acids,  amines,
                                                                  ELECTIVE: (Full year, 1 credit, Grades 11 & 12)
        amides, aldehydes, ketones, aromatic compounds,
                                                                  Prerequisite     Recommendation:        Successful
        and others) is undertaken. This study covers their        completion  of  Biology/Honors  Biology  and
        structure,   nomenclature,     preparation,    and
                                                                  Chemistry/Honors Chemistry
        reactions.  The  uses  and  biological  applications  of
        the  most  important  organic  compounds  are             Anatomy & Physiology is the study of the structure
        discussed.                                                and function of the human body.  This course will
                                                                  cover,  in  detail,  the  key  aspects  of  the  human
        Lab  Fees:  Students  are  expected  to  purchase
                                                                  organism from the smallest cells to the major body
        apron,  nitrile  gloves,  goggles  and  laboratory
                                                                  systems.  In addition, we will discuss many diseases
        notebook.                                                 that  strike  our  human  systems  and  explore

                                                                  methods  of  preventative  maintenance  and
        Organic – Reactions/Mechanisms                            treatment  for  those  illness  and  conditions.    The
                                                                  course will include many lab activities throughout
        ELECTIVE:  Does  not  count  towards  science
                                                                  the  year.    Dissection  is  an  integral  part  of  the
        graduation  requirements  (Semester,  ½  credit,          course.  This  is  a  fun,  interactive  course,  and  with
        Grades 11-12)
                                                                  the  right  attitude,  you  can  be  assured  to  learn
        Prerequisite  Recommendation:    Students  should
                                                                  more about your body and health than you knew
        have  successfully  completed  Survey  of  Organic  or    before.
        AP Chemistry
                                                                  Lab fee: $30.00
        Organic  –  Reactions/Mechanisms  studies  the

        fundamental concepts of nomenclature, formulae,
        preparation and properties of organic compounds.          ECOLOGY
        Modern  electronic  and  molecular  orbital  theories
                                                                  (Full year, 1 credit, Grades 11, 12)
        are  introduced.  Laboratory  experiments  illustrate     Prerequisite     Recommendation:        Successful
        properties and preparation of organic compounds.          completion of Biology/Honors Biology and Physical
        Molecular  structure  and  its  determination  by
                                                                  Science or Chemistry/Honors Chemistry.
        modern  physical  methods,  correlation  between
        structure  and  reactivity  and  the  theoretical  basis   Ecology  covers  fundamental  ecological  concepts
        for  these  relationships,  classification  of  reaction   such as ecosystem structure, cycles of matter, and
        types  exhibited  by  organic  molecules  using  as       interrelationships between organisms, energy flow,
        examples molecules of biological importance. This         population  growth  and  succession. Students  also
        course  builds  on  students’  understanding  of          develop an awareness of environmental problems
        fundamental principles developed in AP Chemistry,         and investigate the causes of, and the solutions to
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