Page 76 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2018-19
P. 76

areas, or as a component in a non-science college         C  is  administered  as  two  separate  required  tests,
        program  that  has  science  requirements.  Credit  or    one which covers Mechanics and one which covers
        advanced  placement  for  the  AP  Physics  2  course     Electricity  &  Magnetism.  It  is  also  recommended
        provides the student with an opportunity either to        that students have a graphing calculator.
        have an accelerated college program or to meet a
                                                                  Additional  Fees:  Students  attending  the  optional
        basic  science  requirement;  in  either  case  the       field  trip  to  Cedar  Point  in  the  spring  will  incur  a
        student’s college program may be enriched. Access
                                                                  ticket cost of approximately $30.
        to  an  intensive  physics  sequence  for  physics  or
                                                                  AP Exams (B & C): $190.00
        science majors is another opportunity that may be

        available.  Students  are  expected  to  take  the  AP
        Physics 2 test in May.                                    AP ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE

        AP Exam: $95.00                                           (Full year, 1 AP credit, Grades 11, 12)
                                                                  Prerequisite     Recommendation:        Successful
                                                                  completion  ("B"  or  better)  in  Biology,  Chemistry
        AP PHYSICS C
                                                                  and  Algebra  II.  Ecology  and  Physics  would  be
        (Full year, 1 AP credit, Grades 11, 12)                   helpful but are not essential. Any student without
        Prerequisite          Recommendation: Successful          these  prerequisites  will  be  asked  to  petition  the
        completion  of  a  first-year  physics  course,  and      teacher for entry into the course.

        concurrent enrollment in either AP Calculus AB or         The  Advanced  Placement  Environmental  Science
        AP  Calculus  BC.  Any  student  without  these
                                                                  course  parallels  a  college  environmental  science
        prerequisites will be asked to petition the teacher
                                                                  that is based upon scientific principles and analyses
        for entry into the course.
                                                                  from a variety of approaches and includes scientific
        Advanced Placement Physics C follows the content          laboratory and/or field investigations.
        outlined  in  the  Educational  Testing  Service’s
                                                                  The  course  provides  instruction  in  each  of  the
        Advanced  Placement  Physics  C  syllabus. The
                                                                  following  areas: earth  systems  and  resources,  the
        syllabus  outlines  two  college  semesters  of           living  world,  population,  land  and  water  usage,
        introductory  physics  with  calculus,  intended  for
                                                                  energy  resources  and  consumption,  pollution  and
        students planning to major in a physical science or       global  changes. In  addition  to  providing  students
        engineering. The semesters outlined are limited to
                                                                  with  the  scientific  principles  required  to
        two  main  subject  areas;  Mechanics  and
                                                                  understand  the  interrelationships  of  the  natural
        Electricity/Magnetism.  Emphasis  is  placed  on  the     world, the course includes methods for evaluating
        use  of  theoretical  and  mathematical  concepts  to
                                                                  data mathematically and teaches students how to
        explain  and  predict  physical  behavior. Laboratory
                                                                  identify  and  analyze  ecological  and  human  risks
        work stresses quantitative measurement and data           along  with  extensive  research  on  the  possible
        analysis  using  both  traditional  methods  and
                                                                  solutions  to  these  risks. The  course  will  include
        modern  instrumental  techniques.  All  students  are
                                                                  lectures,  independent  reading  and  note  taking,
        required to take the Advanced Placement Physics C         laboratory experiences, field experiences and field
        Examinations for both Mechanics and Electricity &         trips. Students enrolled in this class are required to
        Magnetism  as  administered  by  the  Educational
                                                                  take the AP exam in May.
        Testing  Service. By  qualifying  with  a  score of 3 or
        higher on the AP examination(s), students may be          Lab Fees:  Students are expected to pay a $30 fee
        permitted  to  enter  advanced  courses  in  college,     for required laboratory supplies.
        and receive college credit depending on university        AP Exam: $95.00

        Fees:  Students  are  required  to  pay  double  the
        standard AP testing fee for this course. AP Physics
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