Page 73 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2018-19
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matter and its effect on kinetics, equilibrium, and
                                                                  electrochemistry.    Laboratory  work  emphasizes
        (Full year, 1 credit, Grades 10-12)                       quantitative measurement and labs include several
                                                                  from  the  required  22  AP  laboratories.    Honors
        Chemistry  is  a  college  preparatory  course
        comprising  a  systematic  study  of  the  predictive     Chemistry  is  required  for  the  enrollment  in  AP
                                                                  Chemistry. Participation in the HCSD STEM Science
        physical  interactions  of  matter  and  subsequent
                                                                  Fair is required of all Honors Chemistry students.
        events that occur in the natural world. The study of
        matter through the exploration of classification, its
                                                                  Lab  Fees:  Students  are  expected  to  purchase
        structure and its interactions is how this course is
                                                                  apron,  nitrile  gloves,  goggles,  laboratory  manual,
        organized.   Students  engage  in  investigations  to
        understand and explain the behavior of matter in a        laboratory notebook, in addition to the $30 lab fee.

        variety  of  inquiry  and  design  scenarios  that
        incorporate     scientific   reasoning,   analysis,       AP CHEMISTRY
        communication  skills  and  real-world  applications.
                                                                  (Full year, 1 AP credit, Grades 11, 12)
        An understanding of leading theories and how they         Prerequisite  Recommendation:    Students  should
        have  informed  current  knowledge  prepares
                                                                  have successfully completed Honors Chemistry.
        students with higher order cognitive capabilities of
        evaluation,  prediction,  and  application.   At  least   The  Advanced  Placement  Chemistry  parallels  the
        one  third  of  the  course  involves  laboratory  work   content  and  activities  of  a  first  year  college
        giving  the  student  ample  opportunity  to  learn       chemistry  course  as  outlined  on  the  Educational
        about  the  chemical  nature  of  matter  by  direct      Testing  Service’s  Advanced  Placement  Chemistry
        experience.  Because  Chemistry  is  one  of  the         syllabus.    It  emphasizes  the  mathematical,
        quantitative  sciences,  emphasis  is  placed  on         theoretical  and  experimental  basis  of  modern
        making  a  variety  of  scientific  measurements  and     chemistry.    Emphasis  is  placed  on  the  use  of
        solving basic mathematical problems. Course work          theoretical  and  mathematical  concepts  to  explain
        is divided among the theoretical, mathematical and        and  predict  chemical  behavior.    Laboratory  work
        descriptive  aspects  of  chemistry.  The  use  of        stresses quantitative measurement and introduces
        calculators is required.                                  students  to  both  traditional  laboratory  methods
                                                                  and modern instrumental techniques.  The use of
        Lab  Fees:  Students  are  expected  to  purchase  the
                                                                  graphing calculators is required. Students enrolled
        following;  laboratory apron,  safety goggles,  nitrile
                                                                  in  this  class  are  required  to  take  the  AP  exam  in
        gloves and a laminated periodic table.  Total cost of     May.
        these    items   will   be   approximately    $30.
                                                                  Lab   Fees:       Students    are   expected    to
        Additional Fees: Students are required to pay a $15
                                                                  purchase, nitrile   gloves,   laboratory   manual,
        fee for the required laboratories.                        laboratory  notebook,  study  guide,  and  pay  a  $30

                                                                  fee for the required laboratories.
                                                                  AP Exam: $95.00
        (Full year, 1 Honors credit, Grades 10-12)

        Honors  Chemistry  meets  the  Ohio  Core  science        SURVEY OF ORGANIC
        standards of introducing students to the structure
                                                                  ELECTIVE:  Does  not  count  towards  science
        and  function  of  matter  with  a  balance  in           graduation  requirements  (Semester,  ½  credit,
        explanations  from  both  a  theoretical  and
        mathematical  standpoint.    Students  will  further      Grades 11-12)
                                                                  Prerequisite  Recommendation:    Students  should
        apply the structure and function of matter from a
                                                                  have  successfully  completed  Chemistry,  Honors
        thermochemical standpoint and see the function of
                                                                  Chemistry or AP Chemistry
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