Page 75 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2018-19
P. 75

these problems. Field trips and laboratory/outdoor        algebra-based    physics.   The   course    covers
        investigations  are  an  integral  part  of  this         Newtonian     mechanics     (including   rotational
        course. The students should be prepared to spend          dynamics and angular momentum); work, energy,
        extended  time  outside  in  less  than  ideal  weather   and  power;  mechanical  waves  and  sound.  It  will
        conditions.                                               also introduce electric circuits.

        Lab Fees: Students are expected to purchase a lab         It is important for students to consider the relation
        notebook (approximately $2).                              of AP courses to a student’s college plans. In some
         Additional Fees: Students are expected to pay for        circumstances  it  is  advantageous  to  take  the  AP
        one field trip (approximately $15).                       Physics 1 course. The student may be interested in
                                                                  studying physics as a basis for more advanced work
                                                                  in the life sciences, medicine, geology, and related
                                                                  areas, or as a component in a non-science college
        (Full year, 1 credit, Grades 10, 11, 12)                  program  that  has  science  requirements.  Credit  or
        Prerequisite     Recommendation:         Successful       advanced  placement  for  the  AP  Physics  1  course
        experience  in  Algebra  I,  Geometry,  and/or            provides the student with an opportunity either to
        concurrent enrollment in Algebra 2 recommended            have an accelerated college program or to meet a
                                                                  basic  science  requirement;  in  either  case  the
        This  course  introduces  students  to  key  concepts
                                                                  student’s college program may be enriched. Access
        and theories that provide a foundation for further
                                                                  to  an  intensive  physics  sequence  for  physics  or
        study in science and scientific literacy. Physics is a
        systematic  study  of  the  predictive  physical          science majors is another opportunity that may be
                                                                  available.  Students  are  expected  to  take  the  AP
        interactions of matter and subsequent events that
                                                                  Physics 1 test in May.
        occur  in  the  natural  world.   Students  engage  in

        investigations  to  understand  and  explain  the         AP Exam: $95.00
        behavior  of  nature  in  a  variety  of  inquiry  and
        design  scenarios  that  incorporate  scientific
        reasoning, analysis, communication skills and real-       AP PHYSICS 2
        world applications.                                       (Full year, 1 credit, Grades 11 & 12)
                                                                  Prerequisite     Recommendation:        Successful
        Fees: Students attending the optional field trip to
                                                                  completion of AP Physics 1
        Cedar Point in the spring will incur a ticket cost of
        approximately $30.                                         The  AP  Physics  2  course  provides  a  systematic
                                                                  development  of  the  main  principles  of  physics,
                                                                  emphasizing problem solving and helping students
        AP PHYSICS 1
                                                                  develop a deep understanding of physics concepts.
        (Full year, 1 credit, Grades 10 - 12)                     It  is  assumed that  students  are proficient  in both
        Prerequisite     Recommendation:         Successful       algebra  and  trigonometry.  This  course  is  the
        experience  in  Algebra  I,  Geometry,  and/or            equivalent to a second-semester college course in
        concurrent enrollment in Algebra 2 & Trigonometry         algebra-based  physics.  The  course  covers  fluid
        recommended                                               mechanics;    thermodynamics;     electricity   and
                                                                  magnetism; optics; atomic and nuclear physics.
        The  AP  Physics  1  course  provides  a  systematic

        development  of  the  main  principles  of  physics,      It is important for students to consider the relation
        emphasizing problem solving and helping students          of AP courses to a student’s college plans. In some
        develop a deep understanding of physics concepts.         circumstances  it  is  advantageous  to  take  the  AP
        It  is  assumed that  students  are proficient  in both   Physics 2 course. The student may be interested in
        algebra  and  trigonometry.  This  course  is  the        studying physics as a basis for more advanced work
        equivalent  to  a  first-semester  college  course  in    in the life sciences, medicine, geology, and related

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