Page 72 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2018-19
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Advanced  Placement  Biology  is  a  college-level        misrepresent  forensic  science  and  crime  solving!
        introduction  to  the  Biological  Sciences.    It  is    This exciting semester course will study real cases
        intended  as  a  survey  of  the  many  fields  of  study   and episodes from these popular TV series. We will
        that comprise “biology.”  At the end of the course,       focus on how forensic science plays a key role in all
        students take the AP Biology exam administered by         aspects  of  criminal  investigation  and  prosecution.
        the  College  Board.    By  qualifying  on  the  AP  test,   Students  will  learn  the  basic  principles  of  crime
        students  may  be  permitted  to  enter  advanced         scene analysis: collection, preservation, and testing
        courses in college and also earn college credit.  The     of  evidence.  Topics  investigated  will  include
        curriculum standards set forth by the College Board       organic and inorganic chemical analyses of physical
        are available in the AP Biology Course Description        evidence, principles of serology and DNA analysis,
        online.                                                   ballistics, arson, fingerprint analysis, drug analysis,
                                                                  and document examination. Spend your semester
        This class spans all levels of biological organization
                                                                  investigating  forensic  science  in  this  engaging  lab
        from  atoms  and  molecules,  through  cells  and
                                                                  based  course  and  see  criminal  investigation
        organs  and  into  interactions  among  and  between      through NCIS’s Abby Sciuto’s eyes.
        organisms based on four areas/ideas:
                                                                  Lab Fee: Students are expected to purchase splash
        Big Idea 1 (EVOLUTION): The process of evolution
                                                                  goggles (~$8.00)
        drives the diversity and unity of life.

        Big  Idea  2  (METABOLISM:  cell  respiration  &
        photosynthesis):  Biological  systems  utilize  free      MARINE BIOLOGY
        energy  &molecular  building  blocks  to  grow,  to
                                                                  ELECTIVE: Does not count towards science
        reproduce & to maintain dynamic homeostasis.              graduation requirements (Semester, .5 Credit
        Big  Idea  3  (GENETICS  &  INFO  TRANSMISSION):
                                                                  Grades 11-12)
        Living  systems  store,  retrieve,  transmit  and
                                                                  Prerequisite: Successful completion of
        respond to information essential to life processes.       Biology/Honors Biology AND Physical
        Big  Idea  4  (ECOLOGY  INTERACTIONS):  Biological
                                                                  Science/Chemistry/Honors Chemistry
        systems  interact  and  these  systems  and  their
        interactions possess complex properties.                  If you enjoyed watching Finding Nemo, or Finding
                                                                  Dory,  you  are  going  to  love  this  course.    Marine
        Students enrolled in this class are required to take      Biology is a semester course that takes you into the
        the AP exam in May.                                       realms of the unknown.  It is an excellent course to

        Lab Fees:  $30.00                                         take if you have any interest in the “life under the
        Additional Fees:  Students are required to pay the        sea!”    Through  lectures,  field  trips  (Stone  Lab,
        standard  AP  exam  fee  and  purchase  AP  Barron's      Cleveland  Aquarium),  laboratory  investigations,
        Test Prep Book (approximately $15).                       and  dissections,  students  will  learn  about  diverse
        AP Exam: $95.00                                           marine      ecosystems       (vertebrates      and
                                                                  invertebrates),  impacts  of  humans  on  marine
                                                                  ecosystems,  as  well  as  the  role  of  the  oceans  in
        FORENSIC SCIENCE                                          determining our global climate.  By the end of this
        ELECTIVE: Does not count towards science                  course you will be able to watch Finding Nemo and
        graduation requirements (Semester, .5 Credit              Finding Dory in a whole new light.

        Grades 11-12)                                             Additional  fees:  Students  are  required  to  pay
        Prerequisite: Successful completion of
                                                                  $150.00  to  cover  the  out-of-district  field  trip
        Biology/Honors Biology AND Physical
                                                                  experiences  including  an  overnight  trip  to  OSU’s
        Science/Chemistry/Honors Chemistry                        Stone Lab, South Bass Is.

        Enjoy  watching  CSI,  NCIS,  Law  and  Order,  and
        Bones?  Find  out  how  these  popular  shows
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