Page 68 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2018-19
P. 68

proper  nutrition  and  maintaining  a  healthy  body     nutrition and fitness, substance abuse, human sexuality,
        composition will also be included in this course.         first aid, and C.P.R.  Also, a variety of special topics are
                                                                  discussed  that  include:    depression,  skin,  breast  and
        Fee:  $5.00                                               testicular cancer, organ donation, and eating disorders.

                                                                  The course is designed to help the students develop the
        HEALTH                                                    ability  needed  to  make  good  health  decisions.
                                                                  Homework may include a variety of weekly assignments
        (1 semester, ½ credit)                                    including  health-related  article  critiques  and  health-

        The  Health  Education  Program  is  designed  to  aid    related  projects.  Class  will  include  small  group  work,
        students’  lifestyle  choices  and  lifestyle  health     guest  speakers,  discussions,  lecture,  and  hands-on
        management.  Understanding that health is a dynamic       experiences.

        process, the course focuses on what issues are real and   Lab Fee: $7.00 for CPR
        most  relevant  to  the  students.    The  major  topics
        include: emotional health, stress management, suicide,

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