Page 64 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2018-19
P. 64

Latin,  etc.   Solfege  is  an  integral  tool  that  will  be     There is a $20 rental fee for the new outfits,
        used  extensively  to  teach  students  how  to  read            but that’s better handled through the music
        music.   Students  will  be  expected to  have  a  basic         association
        understanding of solfege throughout the course of
        the year.


        (Full year, 1 credit, Grades 10-12)

        The HHS Chamber Choir is the flagship SATB choir
        at Hudson High School.
        Chamber Choir is an auditioned SATB group that is

        made up of students in grades 9-12.  Auditions are
        held  after  the  third  concert  of the  year,  normally   TONAL TENDENCIES
        around  the  end  of  February,  or  the  beginning  of   (1 semester, .5 credit, Grades 9-12,)
        March.   All  students  in  choir  are  put  through  a
        vocal  assessment,  at  which  time,  students            Tonal  Tendencies  is  a  new  offering  (2017)  that
        interested in auditioning for Chamber will receive a      teaches the bare bones of music theory.  Whether
        higher  difficulty  of  assessing.   Students  interested   you plan on studying music in college, or just want
        in  Chamber  need  to  have  been  members  of  the       to better yourself in your own musical ensembles,
        HHS  Choral  Program  for  at  least  one  (1)  year,     this  class  is  the  first  step  for  you.   Students  can
        unless invited to audition by the director.  Students     expect  to  learn  how  to:  read  notes  on  the  four
        interested  in  chamber  will  be  assessed  on  the      main  staffs,  understand  the  difference  between
        following qualities:                                      notes  and  rests  and  how  they  work  in  different
                                                                  time signatures, be fluent in musical terminology,
          Vocal  Range  &  Ability:   i.e.  clarity  of  tone,
                                                                  and everything in between.  Students can not only
            maturity of sound, etc.
                                                                  expect  to  learn  the  content  through  the  required
          Sight-reading ability                                  text, but will also be given ear training exercises as
          Aural Training                                         well.  This class is highly recommended if you are
          Part Independence                                      interested in taking “Music Creation” or “AP Music
          Attitude & Effort                                      Theory.”

        Students who earn a spot in Chamber Choir should
        expect to be pushed to their full choral potential.       AP MUSIC THEORY
         Chamber  Choir  performs  Class  AA  and  Class  A
        OMEA pieces throughout the course of the school           (Full year, 1 credit, Grades 11 & 12)

        year in multiple languages.  Languages that will be       This class is for students who are proficient on at
        sung  in  Chamber  Choir  include:  English,  Latin,      least one instrument (or voice) and who have some
        Italian, German, Russian, Haitian, etc.  Solfege is a     familiarity  with  basic  theory  (note  reading,  key
        key tool to help students learn how to sight-read         signatures,  etc.)  Since  students  come  from
        music in this group, and every group at HHS               different  music  theory  backgrounds,  the  first  few
                                                                  weeks will be a review of Basic Theory. The syllabus
        Prerequisite: Must have been in High School Choir
                                                                  covers  a  tremendous  amount  of  material  quickly
        for at least one (1) year, unless invited to audition
        by the director                                           and  thoroughly.  Students  can  expect  plenty  of
                                                                  homework; and they must become comfortable in
        Course Fee: None
                                                                  all  keys  and  all  clefs.  Other  aspects  of  music
                                                                  covered will be melody, harmony, texture, rhythm,
                                                                  form,  musical  analysis,  elementary  composition,
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