Page 61 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2018-19
P. 61

Theory, Social Choice, Power, Voting, and Decision
        Analysis.                                                 This  course  will  follow  the  AP  Calculus  AB
                                                                  curriculum  as  defined  by  the  College  Board.    It  is
        Fees: None                                                equivalent to a one-semester college level calculus
                                                                  course.  Students are required to take the AP exam
                                                                  in May.
                                                                  Fees: AP exam fee, $95.00
        (One semester, ½ credit)

        Prerequisite: Algebra 2
                                                                  AP CALCULUS BC
        This  college  prep  course  will  investigate  topics
        selected  from  the  following:  Sampling,  Surveys,      (Full year, 1 credit)
        Experiments,    Graphs     of   Data,    Numerical        Prerequisite:  Successful  completion  of  Honors
        Summaries,  Correlation,  Regression,  Prediction,        Precalculus OR AP Calculus AB
        Probability,  Confidence  Intervals,  Hypothesis
                                                                  This  course  will  follow  the  AP  Calculus  BC
        Testing,  Distributions  (Normal,  t,  Chi-Squared,
                                                                  curriculum  as  defined  by  the  College  Board.    It  is
        ANOVA).    The  course  is  intended  to  model  an
        introductory statistics course at the college level.      equivalent  to  two  semesters  (or  a  full  year)  of
                                                                  college  level  calculus.    Students  are  required  to
        Fees: None                                                take the AP exam in May.

                                                                  Fees: AP exam fee, $95.00

                                                                  Course for Career Students only:
        (Full year, 1 credit)
        Prerequisite:  Successful  completion  of  Honors         MATH FOR AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGIES
        Algebra 2 OR Precalculus OR DAS
                                                                  (Full year, 1 credit)
        This course will follow the AP Statistics curriculum      Prerequisite: Enrollment in Career Education Auto
        as defined by the College Board.  It is equivalent to     Technologies
        a  one-semester  college  level  statistics  course.
        Students are required to take the AP exam in May.         The  course  will  survey  HS  level  mathematics  in  a
                                                                  workshop  format.  Applications  to  the  automotive
        Fees: AP exam fee, $95.00                                 field  and  other  vocations  will  be  investigated.
                                                                  Students  will  prepare  for  the  OGT,  SAT,  ACT,  and
                                                                  other vocational entrance exams.

        (Full year, 1 credit)
        Prerequisite: Successful completion of Precalculus

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