Page 60 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2018-19
P. 60

TRIGONOMETRY                                              HONORS ALGEBRA 2

        (One semester, ½ credit)                                  (Full year, 1 credit)
        Prerequisite: Algebra 2                                   Prerequisite: Successful (B or better) completion of
                                                                  Geometry and Algebra 1
        This course will cover advanced trigonometry and
        algebra topics that are beyond the core Algebra II        This  course  is  intended  for  students  who  are
        standards. Students will experience math topics in        talented and/or interested in mathematics.  It will
        numeric, symbolic and graphic form.  Students will        exceed  state  and  national  standards  for  content
        be  expected  to  demonstrate  mastery  of  course        curriculum.    Students  will  experience  math  topics
        material  mentally,  using  paper  and  pencil            in  numeric,  symbolic  and  graphic  form.    Students
        techniques,  and  with  technology.    Reasoning  and     will be expected to demonstrate mastery of course
        sense-making  will  be  emphasized  along  with           material  mentally,  using  paper  and  pencil
        procedural performance.                                   techniques,  and  with  technology.    Reasoning  and
                                                                  sense-making  will  be  emphasized  along  with
        Fees: None
                                                                  procedural performance.

                                                                  Fees: None

        (One semester, ½ credit)
        Prerequisite: Trigonometry                                HONORS PRECALCULUS
                                                                  (Full year, 1 credit)
        This one-semester course will cover specific topics
                                                                  Prerequisite:  Successful  completion  of  Honors
        to prepare students for AP Calculus AB.  Students         Algebra 2
        will  experience  math  topics  in  numeric,  symbolic

        and  graphic  form.    Students  will  be  expected  to   This  course  is  intended  for  students  who  are
        demonstrate mastery of course material mentally,          talented and/or interested in mathematics.  It will
        using  paper  and  pencil  techniques,  and  with         exceed  state  and  national  standards  for  content
        technology.    Reasoning  and  sense-making  will  be     curriculum  and  cover  topics  traditional  to  a  pre-
        emphasized along with procedural performance.             calculus,  trigonometry,  analytical  geometry,  and
                                                                  advanced math courses.  Students will experience
        Fees: None                                                math topics in numeric, symbolic and graphic form.

                                                                  Students will be expected to demonstrate mastery
        COLLEGE ALGEBRA                                           of course material mentally, using paper and pencil
                                                                  techniques,  and  with  technology.    Reasoning  and
        (One semester, ½ credit)
                                                                  sense-making  will  be  emphasized  along  with
        Prerequisite: Algebra 2
                                                                  procedural performance.
        This college prep course is intended to be similar to
        a college or university College Algebra course.  The      Fees: None

        textbook  used  is  one  of  the  most  popular  texts
        used by universities. Students will be expected to        CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS (CM)
        demonstrate mastery of course material mentally,
                                                                  (One semester, ½ credit)
        using  paper  and  pencil  techniques,  and  with
                                                                  Prerequisite: Algebra 2
        technology.    Reasoning  and  sense-making  will  be

        emphasized  along  with  procedural  performance.         This  college  prep  course  will  investigate  topics
        This  course  DOES  NOT  count  for  NCAA                 selected  from  the  following:    Digital  Systems  in
        Clearinghouse.                                            Society,   Information   Science,    Coding    and
                                                                  Cryptography, Fair Division, Apportionment, Game
        Fees: None

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