Page 79 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2018-19
P. 79

AP European History will concentrate on the social,       test, students may be awarded some college credit
        political,  cultural,  and  economic  development  of     hours or advanced standing in Psychology.
        the  Western  world  from  1450  to  the  present.
                                                                  AP Exam: $95.00
        Students who choose to take this course must be
        self  motivated  and  highly  interested  in  studying
        history in depth.  The body of knowledge covered          AP U. S. GOVERNMENT
        in  the  course  is  vast  and  will  enable  the  AP
                                                                  (Full year, 1 AP credit, Grade 11, 12)
        students to challenge themselves in a college-level
        atmosphere.      AP  students  will  learn  to  read  and   AP  U.S.  Government  is  an  upper-level  course.
        evaluate  college-level  texts,  interpret  primary       Students  will  study  the  Constitution,  political
        source  materials,  assess  the  context  in  which       behaviors and beliefs, the institutions and structure
        historians write, and hone their writing and critical     of  national  government,  public  policy,  and  civil
        thinking skills.                                          rights  and  liberties.   Students  will  develop  higher
                                                                  level thinking skills by analyzing important primary
        At the end of the year, the course culminates with        source  documents,  maps,  census  data,  polls,  and
        a  required  AP  test  in  May,  for  which  a  fee  is   voting surveys.  Evaluation includes multiple choice
        charged.    All  students  enrolled  in  this  course  are   exams,  essay  writing,  and  research  papers  as
        required to take the AP test.  The test gives “high       preparation  for  the  AP  exam.   Reflective  journals,
        school  students  opportunities  to  demonstrate          discussion  of  current  events  and  Supreme  Court
        college-level  achievement.”    By  qualifying  on  the   case  studies,  and  attendance  at  public  meetings
        test, students may be awarded some college credit         are also class requirements.
        hours.                                                    At the end of the year, the course culminates with
                                                                  a  required  AP  test  in  May,  for  which  a  fee  is
        Optional:  AP  Review  book  for  ~$15.00.  AP  Exam:
                                                                  charged.    All  students  enrolled  in  this  course  are
        $95.00                                                    required to take the AP test.  The test gives “high

                                                                  school  students  opportunities  to  demonstrate
        AP PSYCHOLOGY                                             college-level  achievement.”    By  qualifying  on  the
                                                                  test, students may be awarded some college credit
        [Full year; 1 credit; Grade 11 & 12]

        AP  course  in  Psychology  will  introduce  the          Students are asked to purchase a Summer Reading
        systematic and scientific study of the behavior and
                                                                  book  for  ~$10.00.  Optional:  AP  Review  book  for
        mental  processes  of  human  beings  and  other
        animals.  Included  is  a  consideration  of  the         AP Exam: $95.00
        psychological  facts,  principles,  and  phenomena

        associated with each of the major subfields within
        psychology.  Students  also  learn  about  the  ethics    AP ECONOMICS (MICRO & MACRO)
        and methods psychologists use in their science and        (Full year, 1 credit, Grades 11 & 12)
        practice.  The  aim  is  to  provide  a  learning
        experience  equivalent  to  that  obtained  in  most      AP  Economics  is  a  college  level,  year-long  course
        college introductory psychology courses. – College        designed to provide junior and senior students with
        Board                                                     a  thorough  understanding  of  the  principles  of
                                                                  Micro  (first  semester)  and  Macro  (second
        At the end of the year, the course culminates with
                                                                  semester)  economics.  This  course  was  created  to
        a  required  AP  test  in  May,  for  which  a  fee  is   encourage  students  to  think  like  economists  –  to
        charged.    All  students  enrolled  in  this  course  are
                                                                  question  and  evaluate  costs  and  benefits,  to
        required to take the AP test.  The test gives “high
                                                                  explore the many ways that one economic action
        school  students  opportunities  to  demonstrate          will  cause  secondary  actions.  AP  Economics  will
        college-level  achievement.”    By  qualifying  on  the
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