Page 98 - HHS Curriculum Guide 2018-19
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Electronics,  Robotics  and  Programming  College  Tech  Prep  Programming  will  have  the  opportunity to
        continue their studies in post-secondary education, enhance their skills in the military or directly enter the
        workforce.  College credits available.  For more information, see the Compact Career Catalog 2018-19.

        Engineering Academy · STEM
        GRADE LEVEL: 10, 11, 12
        (Third year option for those accepted in grade 10.)
        LENGTH: Two years
        SCHOOL:  Roosevelt, Stow-Munroe Falls
        CREDIT:  Level I – Math 1; Physics 1; English 1; Engineering IA 1; Engineering IB 1.
                     Level II - Math 1; Physics 1; English 1; Engineering IIA 1; Engineering IIB 1.
        This two-year College Tech Prep Academy combines academically competitive, college prep courses with
        hands-on technical studies. Students rotate through four technology areas: Computer Aided Design (CAD);
        electronics, robotics and programming; manufacturing processes; and polymers. College prep courses in
        English 11 and 12, Mathematics (Algebra II, Pre- Calculus, Calculus, A.P. Calculus AB) and Physics I and II are
        linked with the technology curriculum. Various instructional approaches are used, including team teaching,
        work teams, self-directed studies, and project-based learning. University partners include Cleveland State
        University    and    The     University   of    Akron.        For    more     information    visit   www. or see the Compact Career Catalog 2018-19.

        Forestry and Landscape Management · STEM

        GRADE LEVEL: 10, 11, 12
        LENGTH: Two years
        SCHOOL: Roosevelt
        CREDIT:  Level  I  –  Plant  and  Horticulture  Science  1A;  CP  or  Comp  English  1;  Urban  Forestry  IB  1;
        Environmental Science 1
                     Level II – Environmental Science 1; CP or Comp English 1; Landscape Design IIA 1; Turf Science and
        Management IIB 1; Optional Capstone 1
        Students learn about plant and horticultural science, urban forestry, landscape design and build, as well as
        turf science and management.  Students are prepared for further education in fields such as Urban Forestry,
        Turf Management, Arboriculture, Landscape Construction or Environmental Science.   Successful completion
        can lead to career opportunities in the “Green Industry.” In the second year, students concentrate on one
        area, attending class for approximately 50 minutes a day and working three to four hours a day in an area of
        interest.  College credits available.  For more information, see the Compact Career Catalog 2018-19.

        Health Careers Technologies · STEM

        GRADE LEVEL: 10, 11, 12
        LENGTH: Two years
        SCHOOL: Roosevelt
        CREDIT: Level I - Anatomy and Physiology 1; CP English 1; Principles of Allied Health 2.
                   Level II - CP English 1; Patient Centered Care 1; Medical Terminology 1; Capstone 1.
        This two-year College Tech Prep Program offers the perfect starting point for students to shape their futures
        in a health careers field.  Students develop foundation skills required to be successful in careers in medical,
        dental and allied health care.  These include basic health care skills, medical laboratory processes, physical
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