P. 19
Seed funding of $60,000 provided by the Foundation for the Maccabi Aquatics
at Bialik initiative.
The approval and disbursement of $33,000 in Grant applications for 5 clubs, via
Maccabi Victoria.
The Board continues to invest considerable time in working with Maccabi
Victoria in assessing potential sites to house our sporting clubs and facilities.
We welcomed Hannah Hammerschlag as a new Director to the Foundation.
Hannah has an extensive and decorated playing history with Maccabi Hockey,
and her professional background and expertise make her a welcome addition
to the Board.
The appointment of Shari Cohen to our Donor Engagement Officer role has
improved and professionalised our historical donor information and record
keeping, as well as ensuring regular high quality Donor communications. As
Shari has now accepted the role as GM, Maccabi Victoria, we will look to
replace the role of donor engagement officer in early 2022.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank each of my fellow Foundation Directors
who work tirelessly to make a Maccabi a stronger organisation. Id also like to thank
Maccabi Australia President, Jeff Sher and the entire MAI Board, Brian Swersky,
and the Maccabi Victoria board, the loyal and dedicated office team, in particular
Jo, Ruth and Terri, and of course our generous supporters, Foundations and
family/individual donors whose passion and commitment help us ensure the future
of our organisation.
With Maccabi Greetings
Dale Smorgon
Maccabi Foundation